
Chapter 2: I never wanted a mate

Aurora slowly looked around the room Bishop showed her, her lips parted in surprise.

His home was enormous on the outside, but she never thought the interior would be equally large.

The room was larger than her aunt's tiny cottage. A huge bed occupied the middle of the room, thick duvets and pillows thrown carefully on it.

On one side of the room, the wall was covered fully with mirrors. On the other side, two windows overlooked the forest that surrounded Silver Dawn Pack.

It was simply exquisite.

She turned around shyly, only to see Bishop staring at her strangely.

"Thank you, for earlier." She murmured, referring to his interference when her aunt almost hit her.

"You don't have to thank me Rose." He brushed her gratitude aside. "It's my job to protect you."

Aurora gulped softly. He was acting so stiff and formal towards her. She had hoped he would be more open to her, but Bishop was acting like he was being forced to be with her.

"I hope you like your room." Bishop said after a while. "If you need anything, send for the maids. They will attend to you. Goodnight."

"Wait." Aurora stopped him when he turned to leave.

Bishop turned around, his gaze resting on her. "Yes?"

"I... I thought you would stay with me." Aurora stuttered. "We're mates, so I thought... I thought... "

She trailed off, unable to complete her words. How could she tell him she thought they would spend the night together in each others arms? Her face flamed as the thought flashed through her mind.

"Have you ever shifted Rose?" Bishop asked suddenly.

Aurora was taken aback by the sudden question. Moistening her lips, she answered.

"No I haven't. My aunt told me I'm probably a late shifter and..."

"So you have no wolf." Bishop stated, cutting her short.

Aurora fell silent, a confused frown creasing her brows. Before she could say another word, Bishop turned away again.

"Go to sleep." He said over his shoulder. "I have a very important guest around, so don't try coming out until morning. He doesn't like to be disturbed."

Aurora frowned, surprised at the rules. When she opened her mouth to speak, Bishop interrupted her again.

"Tomorrow I will introduce you to the pack. Also, there is something else you must know. But that will be tomorrow."

He walked towards the door and yanked it open.

Still confused, Aurora hurried after him and grabbed his arm.

"But Bishop, I don't understa... "

"Don't touch me." Bishop growled at her. His eyes had gone black and the tips of his canines were visible. "And it's Alpha Bishop to you."

Aurora snatched her hand away, taking a quick step back. His eyes terrified her, and the way he behaved now was totally different from the night she found him in the forest.

"I'm... I'm sorry Alpha."

Slowly, Bishop's eyes morphed back to brown and he stepped through the door.

"I never wanted a mate." He muttered, loud enough for Aurora to hear, then he slammed the door shut.

Aurora stood rooted to the spot, listening to his receding footsteps. His words echoed in her head.

I never wanted a mate.

Bishop didn't want her. Then why did he bring her here?

Tears spilled down her eyes and she suddenly longed for Penelope. She needed someone to talk to.

Sobbing softly, she crawled into the large bed and buried her face in the pillows.

She had waited eighteen years to find her mate so he could free her from her step-aunt's abuse.

But now it seemed finding her mate didn't change a thing. Bishop stated it clearly. He never wanted a mate. He didn't want her.

After crying for hours, exhaustion took hold of her and she finally fell asleep.


That same night, Bishop couldn't resist the pull of the mate bond. Though he didn't feel the slightest attraction for Aurora, but her beauty appealed to him.

She was like a goddess.

He stared at the sleeping woman in his arms. The woman he loved, the woman that would be his Luna. If she discovered that he went back to Aurora's room, she would be livid.

But he couldn't resist the bond that connected him to Aurora. It was the reason why he hated it. He felt the mate bond was like a cage, binding you to someone against your will.

When he couldn't bear it anymore, he quietly got off the bed and slipped out of the room. Before he could stop himself, he was back in Aurora's room.

Aurora stirred and she opened her sleepy eyes. When she saw Bishop laying beside her on the bed, her eyes widened and she sat up.


"Sshhh." Bishop shushed her, pulling her into his arms. "I can't resist the bond pulling me to you."

Aurora watched him, her heart beating fast. Could it be that Bishop reconsidered his actions and wanted her now?

All the thoughts in her head disappeared when he pressed his lips on hers.

Letting him have his way, she lay back, soft moans escaping her as Bishop undressed her.

When he parted her thighs and thrust through her hymen, she bit her lips, her fists clutching the duvet tightly. The pain was terrible, but she tried to endure it.

Bishop didn't slow down as he kept pounding into her. The rush of pleasure he felt when he felt how tight she was overwhelmed him. Lifting her thighs slightly, he slammed repeatedly into her, his groans of pleasure filling the room.

Suddenly he stiffened and collapsed on her as his release washed over him. Rolling away from her, he lay on his back, breathing heavily.

Aurora lay beside him, her thighs throbing, her vagina hurting badly. She knew the warm liquid that trickled down her inner thighs was blood, but she was glad Bishop came back to her. She was glad he wanted her now.

She turned to face him, a warm smile on her face. But Bishop suddenly got off the bed and buttoned his pants.

"I didn't know you were a virgin." He said in a cold detached voice. "I never should have touched you."

"But I wanted you to." Aurora pulled the sheets up to cover her breasts, lifting herself on one arm. "Stay with me tonight..."

"I told you I never wanted a mate." Bishop snapped all of a sudden. "The moon goddess never should have paired us. I refuse to be a slave to the mate bond."

It was only then that Aurora realized what really happened. Bishop didn't come back because he suddenly wanted her. He came back because he couldn't resist the mate bond. She had never felt so used in her entire life.

Bishop watched her silently, his gaze lowering to the stained bedsheets.

"The maids will take care of the sheets tomorrow." He said finally. "Go to bed now. I will see you in the morning."

Without a backward glance, he left the room and slammed the door.

On his way back to his room, he paused when he saw his important guest in the living room.

"I thought you said you didn't want her." The man spoke, his voice flowing out smoothly.

"I don't." Bishop replied swiftly. "I just couldn't resist the mate bond. Which is why I never wanted a mate."

"What do you plan to do now?"

"She will remain in my home." Bishop responded. "But she won't be my Luna. It is better for her to know nothing can ever happen between us because I love another. So tomorrow, I will introduce her to the pack. And to the woman I love."

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