
Chapter 4: I reject you


The harsh sound of a slap echoed round the room and Aurora's head snapped back with the force of it.

"HOW DARE YOU?" Bishop roared, his eyes black and furious. "HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON AMELIA?"

Another slap landed on her face and her lip split. She collapsed to the floor, blinded momentarily. Tears burned behind her closed eyelids and she wished the ground would open up and swallow her. She didn't deserve what she was getting.

From where she stood, Amelia grinned maliciously. Her plans had worked perfectly well. All that was left was for Bishop to reject Aurora.

But Bishop didn't do anything of the sort. Instead, he called for his guards, his voice loud and powerful.

Two of the warriors rushed into the room and bowed before him.

"Lock her up in the dungeon. And starve her!" Bishop ordered, his eyes glaring at Aurora. "If she is to remain in my home, she must learn from her mistakes."

The guards dragged an almost unconscious Aurora away towards the dungeons.

After they were gone, Bishop took Amelia into his arms and gently wiped the blood off her face. Her wounds were healed already, as werewolves had fast healing abilities.

"Are you alright, love?" He asked worriedly.

Amelia played her part well, nodding piteously. "I'm fine. You came just in time. I was so scared..."

"Why did you approach her?" Bishop asked, taking her out of the room.

"I just wanted to let her know we could be friends." Amelia lied. "I didn't want her to feel alone. Even if she won't be your Luna, she could use a friend. I had no idea she would attack me. I guess she hates me for being with you."

"Don't say such things Amelia." Bishop stopped in the hallway and placed his hands on her slender waist. "You're the only one I love, and nothing can change that. Not even the mate bond. If Rose can't accept that, I don't care."

He lowered his head and kissed her, his hands moving down to cup her buttocks and press her against him.

"But... Baby..." Amelia moaned, biting her lips as Bishop kissed down her throat. "I don't feel safe with her here with us. Why don't you just reject her? She's useless to you anyway. I could be your second chance mate."

Bishop didn't answer. Instead, he lifted her and carried her back into Aurora's room. There he undressed her and bent her over the bed, taking her from behind.

Mercilessly, he slammed into her, her cries of pleasure bouncing off the walls of the room until they both soared over the clouds of repeated orgasms.


Aurora remained in the dungeon till dusk, lying in the same position she had been ever since the warriors pushed her into the cell.

The smell of death and decayed flesh filled the air. The walls of the dungeon were old and covered with dead leaves. Bones littered the floor, as if prisoners had been left to die in there and rot.

However, Aurora didn't care for any of that. As she lay there, she wept, questioning the moon goddess for pairing her with a monster like Bishop Dawson.

It would have been better if she had been mateless as well as wolfless. Why did the moon goddess have to ruin her life?

Hours went past until the creaking sound of gates swinging open caught her attention. She raised her head weakly, watching as two different guards unlocked the cell and dragged her outside.

When they shoved her to the ground in front of Bishop's home, she realized that the entire pack members had been summoned.

There was a large crowd gathered in front of his mansion, and when she was brought in, the whispers began.

Aurora heard words like, 'wolfless', 'omega', 'orphan', 'worthless', 'badluck' and so many others as the people regarded her with scorn. Estella and her three friends were among the crowd, glaring at her hatefully.

No one had ever really liked her. She had been shunned by jealous rivals because of her great beauty.

It was only Penelope that had remained her friend.

Just then, she heard Penelope call out to her. Her voice was filled with so much pain and sadness.

Aurora weakly raised her head and stared in the direction of her friend's voice. She saw Penelope standing beside her parents. The latter wanted to run towards her, but she was held back.

Gradually, the whispers decreased as Bishop stepped out, Amelia beside him as usual. Soon there was complete silence.

"Members of Silver Dawn Pack," He began. "You have all been summoned here for a reason. As you all know, the Alpha King arrived at our pack few days ago, and as soon as alliances are formed, he will return to the lycan kingdom."

There were a few murmurs and whispers and silence reigned again.

"But then, a night ago, I found my mate. Rose Thompson." Bishop continued coldly. "You all know how I feel about the mate bond. I despise it. Hence, Rose will not be my Luna. Earlier today, she commited a grave offense by attacking the woman I love, your future Luna."

He gestured to the guards to lift Aurora up. One pulled her hair and yanked her head backwards, so her face could be seen.

Aurora winced inwardly from the pain, but she kept a straight face. There were no tears this time.

"Rose, before the entire members of this pack, you will go on your knees and plead for forgiveness from your future Luna." Bishop stated icily. "Only then will I consider giving you a mild punishment."

Aurora smiled, a small smile devoid of any emotion. She would rather die.

Her eyes hardened and her temper flaired. She spat suddenly at Bishop. "You challenge the moon goddess so boldly, treating the mate she has chosen for you this way. I will rather die that apologize to that witch you call your Luna."

The crowd let out a loud gasp at Aurora's defiance.

Bishop's anger mounted and he smacked the side of her head with his fist.

Aurora felt her body slump and her head slammed on the ground. Her vision blurred and she was on the verge of passing out, but the warriors dragged her to her feet again.

The moment Bishop started speaking again, her eyes flew open with fright.

"I, Alpha Bishop Dawson, reject you worthless she-wolf, Rose Thompson as my fated mate and Luna. And from this moment, I banish you from the Silver Dawn Pack."

Aurora felt her heart cave in as colour drained from her face. The harsh words struck her like daggers, echoing painfully in her ears.

She couldn't believe it. This couldn't be happening.

She looked up at Bishop, her eyes pleading with him to take it back.

He didn't. All she could see in his dark gaze was disgust. Pure disgust, the kind she hadn't seen before.

Hardening her heart, she parted her lips and spoke.

"I, Aurora Rose Thompson, accept your rejection." She said, her voice bitter. "But I curse you, Bishop Dawson. I curse you on this day. This pain you have caused me will come back to you a thousand fold..."

"Silence her!" Alpha Bishop snapped at the warriors holding her.

"ENOUGH!" A powerful voice thundered suddenly, instilling fear in the crowd.

Aurora raised her head weakly and her gaze connected with intense golden eyes.

They were the same eyes she had seen the night she was almost attacked by that lycan.

It was Bishop's important guest, the Alpha King.

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