
Chapter 3: I won't mark you

Sunlight filtering into the room the next morning roused Aurora from her deep slumber.

Her entire body ached badly, and the throbbing between her thighs was unbearable. Groaning softly, she sat up on the bed and stared at the stained sheets on the floor.

After crying her heart out the previous night, she had washed herself in the bathroom and removed the soiled sheets. She was still dressed in her Jean and blouse of the previous day.

Memories of what occurred between her and Bishop the previous night came back to her and she remembered the words he told her.

Not wanting it to spoil her mood, she blocked out the thought. It was another day. Maybe she would be able to get closer to Bishop and make him realize that the mate bond was a beautiful thing. He didn't have to be a slave to it.

A knock on the door made her jerk and she sat up further on the bed, hoping it was Bishop.

"Come in." She called out softly.

The door opened and two maids walked in. One held a bucket and a rag, while the other held clean clothes and underwear.

"Miss Rose," One of the maids spoke, her voice crisp and sharp. "The Alpha wants you to change into these and meet him in the dining hall."

"Thank you." Aurora nodded politely, taking the clothes out of the maid's outstretched arms.

The other maid walked towards the sheets and lifted them. She gasped when her gaze fell on the bloodstain.

"Is... is that blood?" The first maid asked, her nose wrinkling with distaste.

Aurora blushed deeply, feeling embarrassed. She knew instantly that the maids knew what had transpired. The way they stared at her said it all. Their mocking gazes judged her.

Looking away from them, Aurora walked into the bathroom to wash herself. Soon she would be Luna of the pack, she thought. And those maids would definitely plead for her forgiveness.


An hour later, she stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a pretty white dress. It was exactly her size and she was pleased that Bishop knew the exact size she was.

The room was empty, but she noticed that the sheets and duvet had been changed.

She walked towards the door and grasped the handle, taking a deep breath. It was time to meet Bishop and hear what he had to say.

They would have a quiet breakfast, and he would ask for her forgiveness.

Of course she would forgive him. He was her mate, and she was already falling in love with him.

Smiling shyly, she opened the door and stepped out. There was a short corridor that led to a grand flight of stairs, and she began to descend it slowly.

The moment she stepped into the dining hall, she wished she had never left her room.

Bishop wasn't alone. There were at least five other people seated around the table, having breakfast.

Bishop sat at the head of the table, an amused smile on his face. On his right side, a man with thick curly locks of dark hair sat silently, eating slowly. His hair was so thick and full that it grazed his perfectly arched brows. His head was turned away so Aurora couldn't see his face clearly.

But that wasn't what bothered her.

On Bishop's left side, a pretty red haired woman sat, speaking in a high pitched voice. Bishop seemed amused by what she said because he kept smiling at her.

The woman had freckles scattered over her nose. Her eyes were light green, and it reminded Aurora of a garden snake. The woman had her hands wrapped tightly around Bishop as she chatted, and occasionally, she would take a bite out of whatever food Bishop placed in her mouth.

They looked so intimate, like the perfect couple.

Aurora suddenly felt self conscious. She couldn't stand another woman touching her mate. As she made up her mind to return, Bishop raised his head and spotted her.

"Rose." He called out to her, his voice formal as usual. "Join us."

Unable to disobey her Alpha, Aurora walked towards the table with trembling feet.

"Good morning, Alpha." She bowed her head slightly.

The dining hall fell silent as the red head ceased her incessant chattering. Only the clink of cutleries scraping against plates could be heard. Aurora noticed that the three other men who sat at the table didn't pay her the slightest attention.

It was obvious that they were Bishop's beta, gamma, and delta. His trusted warriors.

"Sit down." Bishop's voice jarred her back to the present.

Obediently, she slid into the chair beside the other woman and slowly served some food into her dish.

Her eyes remained lowered. She felt so exposed that she would have preferred to eat in her room.

As she ate, Aurora could feel the other woman glaring at her occasionally. She didn't know why, nor did she understand why this woman was latching unto her mate.

After the maids cleared the table, Bishop cleared his throat and began.

"Rose, there are a few things I want you to know before I introduce you to the pack." He said. While he talked, his hands gently stroked the arms of the woman who was still latched unto him.

Aurora noticed it and quickly averted her eyes. Her heart was pounding fast within her again and she didn't know what to expect.

"Like I told you last night, I don't want a mate. And I mean it." Bishop continued. "I despise the mate bond and I will not be a slave to it. But I can't reject you, because I know it will hurt you greatly. It wasn't your fault you were mated to me."

Aurora tried to control her breathing as she listened.

"So you will only be my mate in name, but not my Luna." Bishop broke the news to her. "I won't mark you. You will live in my home."

"I don't understand..." Aurora whispered, trying hard to hold back her tears.

"Amelia is the woman I love." Bishop continued heartlessly, gesturing to the woman beside him. "She has my heart, and she is going to be my Luna. So I want you to respect her as you would respect me."

Despite her efforts, Aurora's tears spilled down. She wiped it quickly, not wanting the other shifters to think she was weak.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She whispered. How could she stay in the same home with her mate, knowing fully well that he loved another woman?

Before Bishop could reply, Amelia cut in. "Baby, you're the Alpha." She purred softly. "You shouldn't let lowly shifters challenge your decision, let alone one without a wolf. Whatever you say should be obeyed."

Bishop smiled at her, and when he turned his attention back to Aurora, the smile disappeared.

"This discussion is closed." He said sharply. "I will intriduce you to the pack as my mate, but not my Luna."

Suddenly the man with curly hair pushed back his seat and stood up.

"Is everything okay, Alpha?" Bishop asked, getting up quickly. His eyes were filled with respect and fear for his guest.

The man with curly hair appeared furious, like something had pissed him off. Without giving Bishop a reply, he stormed out of the dining hall.

"I wonder what ticked him off" Amelia whispered, her lime green eyes following the man until he was out of sight.

Aurora on the other hand didn't have time to wonder why Bishop addressed the other man as 'Alpha'. Her tears were threatening to flood out.

"Excuse me, Alpha." She said and fled back to her room.


After crying for hours, Aurora lay spent on the bed, her eyes red and puffy from weeping.

Where could she go? She had no family. She would rather die than go back to her step-aunt.

Her head turned weakly towards the side when someone opened the door and stepped in.

It was Amelia.

Aurora got up, wiping her eyes as the woman stood before her.

"Still crying?" Amelia asked scornfully. "You know, one would think Bishop would have chosen you because you're pretty enough to look at. Too bad looks aren't enough. You're a worthless wolfless bitch, and I wish Bishop would reject you and banish you from the pack."

Aurora felt her blood boil with rage, but she remained silent. She didn't want to give Amelia the satisfaction of riling her up.

But Amelia had other plans.

She suddenly moved towards Aurora and slapped her unexpectedly. Losing her temper, Aurora attacked her, scratching at her face until blood flowed.

Amelia's screams of pain echoed through the house.

And when Bishop burst into the room, he saw Aurora standing over Amelia, one hand wrapped around her throat.

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