
Chapter 2

Otsana's POV

I heard birds singing and tried to open my eyes when an ant bit me, forcing me to rise from where I was lying. The sunlight was so strong that I had to close my eyes again immediately.

I slowly opened them, getting used to the sun. "Ouch," I winced in pain. My body hurt as I tried to sit up, and that's when I remembered what had happened earlier.

Then, Miradeth , my friend, entered the room with a bowl of water and a smile on her face.

I quickly wiped my eyes. 

"You're awake," she said softly as she sat next to me. I tried to sit up, but my weak arms and legs wouldn't cooperate, so I had to lay back, whimpering.

Miradeth noticed my struggle and looked concerned. 

"I'm okay."I said to her, trying not to act hurt in her face.

"Are you sure? Do you need anything?" she asked, but I shook my head. 

I made another attempt to sit up, and with her help, I managed. I didn't want to worry her, but I couldn't do it alone.

"How far are they?" I whispered. 

Miradeth didn't respond to me; instead, she wet a towel and started to clean my injuries.


"I heard they're at the city gates and will be here soon. Alpha Grayson asked me to check on you, to make sure you're clean and dressed nicely."

"Thankfully, I can see you're better than I expected," she replied. I noticed her pretend to smile, and I did the same.

"Okay," I managed to stand up and headed to the bathroom. I had to get dressed right away to avoid another punishment from Alpha Grayson .

Miradeth didn't let me go far before offering to help. It was really kind of her to assist me in cleaning up, fixing my hair, and getting dressed.

"The Luna sent this dress for you," she mentioned as I looked at myself in the mirror, and nodded in appreciation.

I heard that you're going to be sold to Alpha King Ralph . How will you survive his cruelty?" Miradeth asked, clearly worried about me.

I turned to her, "I just have to endure it. It's not like I have a choice."

She hugged me tightly, "Don't worry. I will ask Alpha Grayson to permit me to go with you. At least you'll have someone to talk to, okay?" She said, wiping the tears from my eyes. 

After we were done, we headed downstairs and heard people chatting and laughing. I saw an unfamiliar face in the living room, along with Alpha Grayson , Luna Amaya , and Beta Justin, having a conversation.

I held onto Miradeth's hand and tried to appear respectful, but I couldn't help but stare at him."

He was really tall and good-looking, unlike anyone I'd ever seen before. He had dark hair and a slim body that made him even more attractive. He seemed like a high-ranking member from their pack, Moonlight Pack.

My eyes trailed to where Alpha Grayson was seated, he nodded in my direction, and I immediately lowered my head to show respect. Hoping that the visitor wouldn't notice my injuries, even though Miradeth had done a good job hiding them, I felt a bit worried.

"Is she the one you're taking to Ralph?" He asked. 

I saw Alpha Grayson nod in agreement, showing respect with a slight bow.

Without words, he came to my side and took my bags from Miradeth. He led me to his car and then turned back to invite me inside.

He put his hand on my shoulder, and suddenly, i felt a sharp pain.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look, but I couldn't disclose to him the pain I was going through.

Trying not to seem weak, I nodded slowly and got into the car.

Luckily, he didn't say anything more. He simply closed the door behind me and went to his seat.

"What about me?" Miradeth shouted as the guy started the car. 

I turned to her. Miradeth grinned, holding a bag.

"The Alpha asked me to go with you. I have no reason to stay here, and he doesn't mind if two of us leave," she told me, then glanced at the guy.

Is that okay with you?" I asked him.

Without waiting for his answer, Miradeth opened the door and joined me, hugging me as we both watched the guy start the car and drove away from our pack.

"Finally"! Miradeth and I looked back at our pack, and smiled.

I woke up, slowly sitting up with a whimper. I must have dozed off from the wind coming through the car door. 

I looked at Miradeth, who was sleeping peacefully, like an angel. I didn't want to wake her up.

The driver tapped me and I turned to look at him. He was focused on driving but keeping an eye on me in the rearview mirror. I raised my head, feeling a headache.

"How much longer until we arrive?" I asked, closing my eyes and touching my forehead to check my temperature.

"I'm really tired," I said, my hands dropping. They hurt a bit, but I had to stay strong. I can't meet the Alpha while feeling sick and weak as he expected me to be. I was determined to show him I wouldn't be pushed around.

"We should arrive in about twenty minutes," he replied sternly.

I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned back in the chair. I could wait until that time.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Miradeth moving in her sleep. She woke up and turned to me, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Otsana , are you okay?" She asked when she saw me sitting still.

My mouth was dry, and I looked really sick.

The guy looked at me, and Miradeth placed her hand on my forehead, breathing warm air on my face.

"Otsana , you have a fever," she said, but I pushed her hands away.

"I'm okay, I just need some rest. Don't worry about me. 

I handled the situation quickly because I didn't want our driver to know how I had injuries all over my body. 

As we arrived at the Moonlight Pack border, some guards noticed his car and bowed to him. Once again, my suspicions were confirmed. Maybe he was a Beta or Gamma.

He drove into the pack, and I was amazed by what I saw."

It was unlike the pack I came from. The pack was really big, full of young pups playing on their special playground. There were also teenagers around my age or maybe even older, some of them were working, and others were training with their powers, which made me feel envious. The place seemed vibrant and cheerful, with everyone appearing to have a great time.

Our driver drove past the peaceful setting and stopped right in front of a house. Miradeth quickly got out, and I followed her tracks.

As I stepped out of the car confidently, my legs wobbled, and I almost fell, Fortunately, Miradeth caught me.

"We've arrived, Otsana . You can handle this," I whispered to myself as I leaned on my friend. 

Miradeth must have noticed my uncertainty from the way she held me and looked at me. I gave her a grateful smile.

We followed the man into the house. Once inside, he instructed us to wait while he informed the Alpha about our arrival.

"It's a really big house. The family here seems great compared to our old pack," Miradeth commented. 

I was about to nod when my headache got worse. Someone was messing with my mind.

"Did you hear that?" Miradeth and I heard footsteps and stood up straight. I was ready to meet the Alpha who came downstairs with a neutral expression.

I let out a deep breath when I saw his face. Was he really the Alpha? 

I had thought the guy who picked us up was good-looking, but this man before me was even more handsome. He was like a god.

His messy black hair and amber eyes, along with his strong jaw and muscular body, made him look powerful and authoritative.

As he walked confidently towards me, it was clear that he was the alpha.

I nervously swallowed my saliva as I noticed him licking his attractive lips. I started to feel a new and unfamiliar emotion. What was happening to me? This man was nothing like I had expected.

Just as he came to a stop in front of me, my eyelids started to feel heavy. Was I falling asleep? No, I couldn't be.

I felt really, really hurt, and my head was throbbing like a loud drum. I tried to lie down, thinking I could tough it out, but I got even dizzier. Everything started spinning, and before I could say anything, I collapsed on the floor.

I had barely hit the ground when a hand reached out to grab me. 

"Otsana !" 

I heard Miradeth shout. That was probably the last thing I heard before I passed out. 

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