
Meeting Of Two Rivals

Adiyan’s POV

Life had taken such an interesting turn for me. Not in my wildest dream had I imagined to possess such destructive powers. The more I trained the more evolved my powers became.

I resumed my career as well and focused on both aspects of my life. The busier I remained the less I had to think about her and the hole her absence had created in my chest, although it will never fill.

Speaking to Kilran occasionally about her earned me some traces of information. As far as he had told me she was happy in her new life with her mate.

My heart was mostly at ease; it no longer beat with danger alarms concerning her. Telling me she was safe and content and that was enough for me.

One day, Kilran called to give me the news of him claiming his mate. He seemed extremely satisfied with the decision he made and I was happy for him. Not letting that brute take control of his life like he did mine. But Kilran’s last words left me more broken than ever.

“I know you have plans to pursue m
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