

Sally's POV

"Where's the tea?" I rummaged through the things in the kitchen as soon as I got home.

"What tea, Sally?" One of the maids spoke up.

Throwing all the boxes, I was indignant: "Where is it?"

"What tea are you looking for?" Another person asked.

"What Janet usually does," I say.

I didn't care how they looked at me because the next thing I knew, I was in my grandmother's arms, who looked worried.

"What's the matter, Sally?" She pushed my loose hair out of my face.

I continued walking through the kitchen like a madman. "I need Janet's teas. I need them now. Please."

"Aren't you two her roommates? Tell me, where did she keep the rest of the tea?" They backed away when I approached them.

"What happened?" My grandfather walked in next, stared at the commotion in the kitchen then looked at me, demanding answers.

My breathing is unstable. "I'm looking for Janet's tea."

"For what?" He asks.

I stopped before I let go of all these overwhelming emotions and just burst into tears. "This
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