
Chapter 52


After the harsh words had been exchanged, a heavy silence descended upon the room like a thick fog, suffocating any remaining warmth. My heart raced, echoing the tension that hung in the air. The air seemed to hold its breath, waiting for someone to break it.

I sank down onto the edge of the bed, the mattress giving a soft sigh beneath me. My fingers clenched and unclenched, a physical manifestation of the turmoil within. Every heartbeat sent a jolt of emotion through my body, reminding me of the pain I was trying so desperately to quell.

I glanced at the space where Max had stood just moments ago, his figure outlined by the sliver of light that crept in through the curtains. His back was turned to me, shoulders tense, and his steps were heavy as he retreated from the battlefield we had unwittingly created. I watched his broad shoulders recede, the very sight of him igniting a flurry of emotions within me.

The seconds ticked by, each one carrying the weight of an eternity. The sec
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