

I said do you want to have sex with me?” He asked again when Vanessa didn't reply.

She just stood there wet, her hair in a wet mess, the water dripping down onto the skin of her exposed shoulder, 

Her skin looked soft and her body.

By God, her curvy well formed body.

She looked so innocent with a not so innocent body.

she tried to cover herself with a material dress but that didn't help 

Her full well rounded breasts, on display, the bra she had on wasn't covering anything up either.

She pressed against it, making it more defined. 

He followed the trail of water, running down her stomach.

Her small waist connecting to her much broader hips, followed by her beautiful legs all on display before him.

His gaze went back up to her face, she looked so innocent and guilty.

Her big green eyes following his gaze, her cherry red lip pressed into a thin line.

The picture before him looked inviting.

Very inviting.

He felt his loins tighten.

She was indeed beautiful, almost like he was noticing her now.

Probably because she was almost naked.

And then he thought bad things.

Bad things he wanted to do her, would still look at him so, when he was inside of her.

How loudly would she scream.

He wasn't meant to be attracted to her

So where did this come from?

“No!” she said, a look of disgust crossing her face, and he saw it.

So now he disgusted her?

Days ago, she was begging him and now he disgusted her.

She is saying no to his advances.

He got angry

She was the one who got into his pool half naked and now she's looking disgusted at him.

He saved her and her family from bankruptcy and now she's disgusted by him?

“What do you mean no?... You didn't set this up, for me to find you in my backyard naked?” 

“I would never do something like that… I do not see you that way?” She said again before biting on her lower lip. 

His bulge grew,

His desire heightened.

Vanessa watched him, she tried to move but she found herself frozen to the spot, the look on his face was entirely different from the ones she was familiar with.

His eyes were a different shade of grey now and he looked different, staring her through.

His gaze running through her body, sent even more shivers down her spine.

She felt like she was being studied under a microscope.

He wanted to be intimate with her?

That was insane!!!

She couldn't give herself to someone like him.

She wasn't even sure she was going to be able to satisfy him.

She knew nothing about satisfying a man.

“But you would, if I were Andrew isn't that right?”


“I don't wanna hear it, i do not engage with women of your type… you may be beautiful but definitely not up to my standards, do a better job at covering yourself around me. I live here as well” he said coldly,his face back to being expressionless. With his hands in his pockets, he gave her the dirtiest look he could muster before leaving.

How dare she turn him down

No one had ever done that.

He was Adrian Knight


“I'm sorry!” She said quietly after him, wondering if it was the cold or his words that made her feel sick.


Vanessa cut up the vegetable, lost in thoughts.

It's been a week since her wedding and she had spent the rest of the week after the “incident” avoiding Adrian.

And here she was back to her job at her dad's restaurant like nothing life changing had just happened to her.

The loads of congratulatory messages she was getting from the rest of the staff was becoming overwhelming and annoying.

She just wanted to dive into work and forget that she had the worst husband ever.

For the rest of the day, she focused on preparing meals. 

“You gold digger” was what she heard before being yanked by the hair and thrown to the floor.

Vanessa looked around to understand the situation before a woman pounced on her, slapping and punching the air out of her before she was pulled away by the co workers.

Vanessa was helped up from the floor, a painful tingle erupting from her right eye.

She recognized the strange woman to be the person who showed up at her wedding with a wedding dress on.


“Do you think you can get away with taking my man away from me?, well you better think twice you golddigger!” She yelled at Vanessa, struggling to free herself from one of the workers who held her away from vanessa.

The person she had an issue with was Adrian and not her.

And also she didn't need Adrian at all, she didn't even want to be married to him.

This wasn't what she wanted at all.

“Have some self respect will you?” Sarah's younger sister yelled back, she had just come into the kitchen to see the commotion going on.

“What did you say to me, you little twat?”

“You heard me?... Here you are fighting over a man who gives zero fucks about you, if you died tomorrow, do you actually think he would care… so why don't you go embarrass yourself somewhere else and leave my sister the fuck alone!” 

“Oh I see… on a normal day, you wouldn't even be able to stare me in the eyes and here you are talking down on me”

“I really don't want to hear anymore of your crap!” Sarah said before picking up the mop from a mop bucket near the counter.

  “Why don't you try hitting my sister again and see exactly how I will react” Sarah said looking her dead in the eye.

The lady huffed and puffed.

“You bitch!” She yelled again, “I can't believe that Adrian would leave me, for a low class like you”

“And yet, he chose her over you” Sarah retorted angrily.

“I am so not done with you!” She said pointing at Vanessa before storming out.

Sarah let go of the mop and turned to vanessa.

“Are you okay?” She asked Vanessa, who stood quietly at a corner. A part of her eye was red.

“You really do have to toughen up vee, if not these people are going to eat you alive” sarah said before drawing her sister in for a hug.

Vanessa buried her head in her sister's shoulder and cried.

The murmurs her coworkers not helping matters

at all.

Unknown to them, there was someone in the little crowd watching her intently with a little smile on his face.

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