

The silence that followed that question was intense.

Vanessa's heart slumped to her stomach, she could feel her hands beging to tremble.

“I am a friend of the bride, Vanessa!” the blonde lady finally said, running down the length of the stairs, she went over to Vanessa and interlaced her arms with Vanessa's, a broad smile appearing on her face.

“Aren't we friends Vanessa?” She asked her, staring at her deeply the smile not leaving her face.

Vanessa looked between her and her mother in law, before answering with a nod.

How did the lie fall off her lips like that?

“So why are you clad like that and in your married friend's house the day after the wedding?” Mrs knight asked, eyeing the two ladies standing before her

Vanessa looked as startled as she was, nervous even.

She always looked like that.

Nervous and unaware, like a little lost puppy.

“I was helping her with a lot of wedding stuff and I crashed here for a few days, but I would be out of her hair immediately” the girl lied again, 

Again how did it come so easily to her?

The lies!!!

“Isn't that right Mrs knight?” she asked, this time holding vanessa’s arm even tighter, the look in her eyes icy.

“ yes we are friends!” Vanessa replied.

The doors flew open and in walked Adrian.

He was clad in casuals, closing the door behind him, he stood still, trying to understand the scene before him as he took it all in. 

“I was just telling Mrs knight over here, how happy I am that my friend Vanessa is married to you, Mr Adrian!” The blonde said, “I will go pack and take my leave” she said before racing through the living room, up the stairs and out of sight.

Adrian slowly made his way to Vanessa, placed his arm around her waist before saying “why the early morning visit mother?... We are newly Weds!” He asked before brushing a strand of hair off Vanessa's face.

She fliched a little when his fingers made contact with her skin.

It's the way they lied over her again and again.

Surely Mrs knight won't be stupid enough to buy the lies.

“I'm sorry for dropping by” Mrs knight replied, although she seemed like she didn't buy the whole charade that took place before her.

“I will have to go now?... But Vanessa darling, do consider Greece for your honeymoon it is really a beautiful country and you will enjoy your time there!” she said with a chuckle, her smile not reaching her eyes before leaving.

“Why did you let her in?... You really do not want this to work huh?... Are you trying to ruin everything I worked hard for?” 

“What do you even mean, she showed up at the door and i-”

“So you just let in anyone into my home is that it now?” He asked, his voice getting louder with each question, she could see storms gathering in his eyes, 

What was he angry at her for?

He was the one who brought her here?

“And when you noticed, she was the one what did you do?” Adrian asked looking at his so called wife.

Her eyes had already began to water, she looked so confused.

But he was mad, mad at the fact that she couldn't keep his mother away.

This could ruin things for him.

What if his mother got to find out about the girl he picked up last weekend that for a certain reason refused to leave his house.

She gave it to him good though, he wasn't going to lie.

But still, if his mother found out that he was having an affair, he could kiss the company goodbye.

She had a very strong hold on his father and the board of directors as well and she seemed to like Vanessa as well.

“I didn't know what to do!” A weak voice replied as he looked up to stare at her.

She looked so confused and sad and beautiful with those big green eyes of hers.

It angered him

It really angered him.

What gave her the right to look so.

“Well next time maybe think, use that empty head of yours?... Thanks to-” he started but cut short, trying to remember the name of the lady upstairs.

He didn't even know her name.

“Thanks to the lady upstairs, at least she has a working brain, this would have cost me a lot and it would have cost you even more, you do know that right?”

“I do” Vanessa replied, shifting back a little, he looked so angry, the veins of his neck apparent as day.

Here she was, being shouted at like a child, for something that wasn't her fault.

He was the one cheating, he was the one that almost got caught and SHE was the one getting shouted at.

“So maybe next time, think because if you cost me my company, you will hate me Vanessa, you will, and you will regret the day you saw me in your restaurant”He said before walking away.

She just stood there in a daze, trying to fight off the tears about to fall, her trembling fingers wrapped around each other.

She hated how weak she was.

She wanted to confront him.

She wanted to do something to him.

Anything to make him know that he had no right to treat her that way.

He had always been putting her down, and he continues to do it.

“For you mom…I'm doing all this for you” she whispered to herself, 

“Are you alright hon?” Came a voice, it was Susan, the house keeper.

“Yes I am fine” she said wiping off the tears which escaped, with a smile on her face.

“Oh honey!!” she said with a shake of her head.

It was evident that Mrs Susan had heard the whole conversation.


Vanessa sat at the patio, enjoying the night view of the city down below, the chilly breeze, the millions of lights laid out like a landscape and the sound of cars from the traffic adding to the essence of the evening.

The house was empty, Adrian had left with the blonde a little while after his mother left and so she was all alone.

The pool looked inviting at that moment as it glittered, catching the reflection of the light from the patio and along the walkway.

She was having an internal battle within her, if she should take a swim or not.

She finally gave in, and stripped herself off the gown she had on, standing there, clad in just panties and a bra,shivering a little once the cold air hit her skin.

she dove in.

She paddled her way to and fro,splashing the water all around her, the water refreshing her and she forgot all about her troubles for a while.

She swam for a while and just when she was about to get out of the pool, she heard the doors from the living room open and then close.

She froze still, wondering who it was?


Mrs Susan?

The blonde?

Or was it Mrs knight?

She quickly got out and began looking for a robe, the harsh wind makin her shiver continuously.

Where was a towel when you needed one?.

She looked around 


And so she picked up her dress and wrapped it around her, but that didn't cover up anything at all.

Who is it?

What if was a thief.

Oh goodness she was about to be robbed

Or killed even.

And then Adrian passes by, and stopped in his tracks when he saw her through the glass doors standing out on the patio shivering.

He opened the doors and walked towards her.

She watched his every movement.

Was she going to be yelled at again.

She studied his facial expressions for anything, anything at all.

He just kept coming closer, and with each, she found it harder to breathe as she held her dress closer to her body.

He stopped mere inches away from her, and ran his eyes through her body.

He made to take another step towards her when she said

“I took a couple of laps… I didn't know if you would approve of it!” She said still squeezing her dress tightly around her.

She watched as his eyes dropped to her exposed cleavage and immediately covered it up with her hands.

His grey eyes beginning to cloud with desire.

“Do you want to have sex with me?” He asked out of nowhere, leaving her mouth open with surprise.

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