
Chapter 53: Betrayal

Logan’s pov

They have no reason to lie to me.

I am the one that asked them to come here with me and Charlotte has enough problems of her own.

So, this means that what the felt was true, something really is wrong with my father’s aura.

And the way Alexa just dismissed it when I told her just shows that she really has nothing to gain from all of this.

Now that will be the second mystery that I really need to figure out.

The first one was who killed my mother?

For years we were told that it was the Vampire King Sebastian and I always doubted that.

What would he have against our mother?

She was just a Queen Luna and I also realized something as well.

He has been so busy looking for Charlotte, so in those years he wouldn’t have cared about our mother.

I even believe that those two never crossed paths which leads me to think that someone else did it.

Someone did it and even told people and started these rumours that it was the Vampire King.

I think that everyone believed it because I will be honest it scared me and still does.

The fact that the person who could have killed my mother is somewhere in here scares me.

That among the people I grew up with is a murder who could kill their own Queen in cold blood scares me.

That someone I know is capable of doing such a thing to my kind and loving mother?

All she has ever done was show us unconditional love ever since we were young.

She was always fair with everyone, and I would even say with confidence that she was a great Queen just as she was a good mother.

She was fair to even us her children and didn’t care that one is young and the other old.

She always wanted us to have the same opportunities.

As for my father he is a great leader as well, he can even swallow his pride just to do what’s best for his people.

Most Alphas let their egos control the, but my father has never done such a thing.

Instead, all he has done is do what is best for his people and just thinking about someone doing something like that to him scares me.

This means that someone is trying to weaken him and at his state he could be challenged.

This means he will have to fight whoever challenges him and if that person wins they can select their own King.

They can choose who they believe deserves to be the Alpha King in their eyes.

It could be anyone really, there are about 4 candidates for the position which means it could either of these people.

The first is obviously my older brother but a lot of people would oppose this decisions because Justice isn’t really great with the people.

The second one would be Mr Knight who is Sasha and Dean’s father, also my father’s beta.

And then we have Mr Brown who is my father’s gamma.

These two qualify to be temporary Alpha King until one of us is ready to take the position from them.

And since they are older and have been working side by side with my father I will admit that they have more experience, and no one would object if one of them is chosen.

Not to forget that since they have been around longer than us they have their own people who support them.

And then the fourth one would my sister Elena, she is still the daughter of the Alpha King even if she is currently not here at the moment.

And my sister is just as powerful as we are plus she will get a lot of female supporters.

Some people have bee complaining that they haven’t had a female Alpha in so long and there has been a few in our history.

I personally wouldn’t mind if either of those people takes the throne and becomes the next Alpha King.

But first I need to make sure that whoever gets the throne isn’t the person who would do this to my father.

I order to know that then I will need to find the truth first and figure everything out.

Well, I thought growing up meant I would face one crisis after another, but I was wrong.

Its dealing with multiple crisis’s at the same time with no rest in the middle.

And you have no choice but to deal with it no matter what happens.

“Everything will be okay; we are here, and we will help you since you are helping us” Charlotte said and gave me a reassuring smile.

Maybe its because my mate is by my side, but I suddenly feel like I can do anything.

It seems that I also need to clean my house as well.

If there is someone here who is untrust worthy then they will probably but Charlotte in danger if they find out who she is.

So, for my family and my mate’s sake I will have to find the answers to everything.

“Thank you, I can’t believe that I haven’t noticed. I am selfish aren’t I?” I asked her which made her chuckle.

“I had the same thought a few days ago, I guess great minds think alike but now that you saying out loud I don’t think we are selfish” she said with a smile.

She really is beautiful, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I feel for her back then when I was Ryder and now something tell me I would fall for her in all my lives.

No matter how many times I am reincarnated she is the one I will always love and choose.

“Why do you say that? Why did you think you are selfish?” I asked her and she just shrugged.

“The same reason you did but let’s not talk about it and enjoy the tour.

Lets leave the pack mansion problems in the pack mansion” she said and started walking.

I followed behind her and we went back on the tour which kept my mind busy for a while.

When we got back to the pack mansion I went straight to my father’s office.

I found him sitting there looking at some documents, now looking at him I could see how fragile he seemed.

Not only that but it was as if he has shrank a bit with time but how?

I mean when mom died I noticed that he changed and always thought was because of the troubles the pack was facing.

I knew that he wasn’t his normal self,

but I never thought in my wildest imagination that someone could do something like that to him.

An Alpha King losing his aura is the same as a mother losing her child.

It is as if you are losing your entire identity, for years he has been an Alpha King.

What most people want is to gracefully leave all their belongings to their kids.

Not to have them snatched away from under them which is what whoever is doing this is trying to do.

They are trying to snatch away my father’s identity right under his nose.

This is betrayal, someone here is waiting for the right time to betray my father.

“Maxim help me here, look If there is something wrong with my father’s aura” I said to my wolf.

My wolf who has been quietly watching everything going on came forth.

“Yes, that isn’t the aura of an Alpha King, someone is messing with his aura.

They are doing so little by little so it will take a while for people to notice.

This is bad, I don’t like this at all, we need to be careful.

And we should thank our mate for warning us about this” he said, and I whole heartedly agree to this.

We need to be careful and also be thankful to Alexa and Charlotte for warning us about this.

But I also can’t tell my father,

he already has a lot of things to worry about, so we need to be careful.

“You seem tired father, let me massage your head a little” I said, and he nodded.

He often gets a headaches, so I started massaging his temples and then stole a few strands of his hair.

I went straight to my room where I found Alexa and Charlotte waiting for me.

“Lock the door and I will start the spell” Charlotte said and took the strands of hair.

“Yes, there is a portion that someone is using on your father” Charlotte said and then looked at Alexa.

“They are good, the portion seems to have a common scent, which is why your father cant detect it” Alexa said.

I heard that she also has a good nose, I don’t know what she is because no one had told me but as long as she is with my mate.

“But we will be able to catch the person doing this to my father?” I asked them.

Who is doing something like this to my father?

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