
Chapter 52: powerful witches

Charlotte’s pov

And that is just assuming that its Justice.

It could be anyone, it could even be Logan even though I highly doubt it.

It could be someone who wants Justice to take the throne and be the Alpha King or someone who wants Logan to be the Alpha King.

Although I trust Logan and believe that he wouldn’t do such a thing you don’t know about his followers.

You see at times people who care about us or want us to succeed can do the vilest things.

Someone could do this to the Alpha King thinking that maybe they are doing the world a favour.

I tell you that people look or even do the vilest thing and try to justify them with the most stupid reasons ever.

And Clara, how is it that she is wolf less?

How does a wolf get locked?

I get it that some werewolves start changing into their wolf form when they turn 16 years, some 17 and most of them change when they reach 18 years.

So how is it that even at this age, I assume that she is my age then why doesn’t she have a wolf?

I looked at Alexa, she was also looking around the room.

We avoided a battle zone just to entire the eye of the battle because this is where I believe most of the drama is.

I feel like I am walking on eggshells, honestly like they are all just a few words away from declaring war on one another.

“Clara will make a great Gamma, and I know that the solution to her wolf problem will be found” a man said coming into the room.

He sat down next to her and smiled; they look so similar, so I am guessing that they are related.

“I am Hendricks Brown; I am Clara’s father and the current Gamma” he said, and I shook his hand.

“My name is Charlotte” I said, and he smiled.

“You are Logan’s mate; you are the talk of the town. I see you are even more beautiful than they say” he said, and I smiled.

“Thank you so much sir, but I would like to know who say that” I said, and he smiled.

“Sounds like you don’t believe me, anyways I am guessing this is your younger sister” he said looking at Alexa.

“I am Alexa sir, really nice to meet you” Alexa said, and he nodded.

“Welcome to your home, I know our world may seem scary, but you will get used to it” he said, and Alexa just smiled.

She knows scary, she has seen scary and knows it better than anyone, so this is nothing.

My dad and I rescued Alexa from what seemed like a trafficking operation.

Rare people like her, demons, fairies were being sold to some crazy people.

We could only free Alexa, she only remembered few details of where she was and what was happening.

But she didn’t remember who she was and what she was doing here.

You see we know very little about demons, hell there isn’t much on them in our books as well.

But we do know that they have to e summoned from the underground world which is where demons come from.

Usually really strong witches are the only ones that can summon them.

Which means out there, somewhere out there, there is someone who is turning the world upside down looking for Alexa.

 The moment we found her we cloaked her, there is no way she can be traced or even be summoned by who ever bought her here.

One thing is certain, who ever summoned her wanted to use her for something evil and we cant let them have their way no matter what.

So even Alexa is in danger, plus she has been living with me who is the most wanted person in the world.

So being on the brink of war and being in danger is really not a new concept to us.

We are used to it, but this feels different.

Like you are reading a book without knowing that its book 2 so everything is confusing.

You don’t understand where the story is going and what the hell is going on.

Or like when you start watching a movie and you don’t know who you should like, and you should be wary of.

Everyone looks really suspicious; some don’t hide their malice.

While others hide it with a smile, so you really don’t know who to trust.

In a perfect situation I wonder who is more trustworthy?

The person who hates you openly?

Or the person who is always nice, but you can’t tell what they are thinking?

More questions huh, they seem to never end.

“Come on, I will give you two that tour” Logan said after breakfast and we both nodded. Alexa and I got up, Logan took us to a tour around his pack and it was beautiful really. it reminded me of the town I grew up in, a place where you didn’t need to hide your magic. We were a community of witches, so you could proudly use your magic in front of everyone. I was once called the hope of the coven, I was always good in magic that my father called me a prodigy. Well now that I know a little of the truth I understand, I have been reincarnated more times than I can count. It would make sense that I could easily grasp magic and how it works. And from what I picked up all those times I was reincarnated as a witch. Honestly, I love being a witch, but I do hope that someday I will be able to get rid of this obligation. I think that for as long as I have magic inside me I will always be associated with Scarlet. “There is something we need to tell you but lets go a little far from the people” Alexa said to Logan who looked at me.

I nodded, we have to tell him about his father’s aura so something can be done about it and that too fast.

We walked a little far away from everyone and he stopped and looked at us.

“You are scaring me, what is this about?” he asked, and I nodded to Alexa.

She is the one who can sense it better so its best that she is the one who tells him.

“Someone is suppressing your father’s aura” she told him, and he looked at us confused.

“What do you mean supressing his aura?” he asked, and Alexa sat down.

“Exactly that, your father Is an Alpha King, but your aura and your brother’s aura surpass his. Someone is supressing his aura and that I am certain of” Alexa said.

“Alexa can sense people’s aura, its just one of the many things that can do” I told him, and he looked at me.

“And someone is doing this on purpose? But my father’s aura seems fine to me” Logan said, and Alexa just shrugged.

“I told you what I saw you, you can believe whatever it is that you want to believe but I have done my part” she said and got up leaving the two of us together.

“I sensed it too, he is your father, and you respect him a lot so many that’s why you didn’t sense it. But do one thing, be alert next time when you are around him. I am sure that your wolf will be able to sense it” I said, and he still seemed confused.

“What will we do if what you are saying is true? What if someone really is supressing my father’s wolf?” he asked me.

“The I will come up with a solution, I will need a strand of his hair to find what kind of portion is being used on him. And we also need to find the person who is doing so as well” I said, and he nodded.

“Of course, but who could do such a thing? Who would use such methods just to undermine my father?” he asked.

“Trust me, that’s the million dollar question” I said, and he nodded.

And whoever would do such a thing is a powerful witch, who makes me wonder about one more thing.

The person who summoned Alexa is a powerful witch and now this portion. I know that there are a lot of powerful witches out here but is there a possibility that it’s the same person? And you know how rich people always seem to know each other maybe it’s the same with witches.

Maybe this witch who is making these portions that are poisoning the Alpha King’s aura knows the witch that summoned Alexa.

But either way I need to get to the bottom of this mystery no matter what.

I need to help Logan, because if they can do this to his father then there is a huge possibility that he is also next.

This will leave him defenceless and will be easy to kill.

No matter what, he is still someone I need, and I care about.

I cared about him in my past life and now also in this life, honestly Reene and I owe him a lot.

Or should I say that I owe him a lot?

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