
Chapter 51: Bullies

Charlotte’s pov

I woke up the next morning and got ready to socialize.

A few minutes later Alexa opened the door with a frown on her face.

“I am starting to think that you marrying that psychopath who wanted to kill you was a good idea after all” she said, and I smiled at this.

“We haven’t been here for 24 hours, who pissed you off so early in the morning?” I asked and she sat down on the couch.

More like threw herself on it before sighing.

“Everything and everyone, honestly I don’t see myself surviving with these werewolves. Do you know what that bitch said to me this morning?” she asked, and I shook my head.

“You mean Sasha? There is something really off about her” I said, and she nodded.

“Its her aura, it matches that of that other guy. I tell you that they are not good people” she said.

Alexa is special like that; she is not a witch but a demon from what we gathered.

There isn’t much information about them, but we do know that she is one for certain.

Most of her abilities are still a secret even to us, hell she doesn’t even remember how she got here.

My father took her in and gave her a home, he wanted to leave me with someone who will take care of me.

We have only known each other for 8 years but she has become my world and I love her.

She is feisty and also blunt which is not a good combination at times because you meet people like Sasha and Justice.

They don’t want anyone to stand up for themselves, I would go as far as to say that they are bullies.

I don’t like bullies; my cousin May was bullied that they had to make her move schools.

Witch communities are small, which means that everyone knew but didn’t say anything.

“Lets go downstair” Alexa said jumping around like she knows the place.

When we got downstairs a few people were there already eating.

“Morning mate” a voice behind me said and I turned around to find Logan standing there.

“Morning” I said, he came and kissed my cheek and made it look like the most normal thing in the world.

“Morning everyone” I said, and people bowed their heads I am guessing to both me and Logan.

“Morning” they all said, Alexa sat down without saying a word and started eating.

“You should take your mate on a tour so she can see her new home” The alpha King said.

“Yes father, I will do so” Logan nodded and looked at me with a smile.

“New home? More like her first home because she never had one to begin with” Sasha said.

“I am sorry to burst your bubble, but she had a home and that is me. You see home isn’t a place but a person, Logan is just her second home, and I will always be her first” Alexa said firmly.

“Don’t be so defensive, I am sure Sasha was kidding” Justice said looking at Sasha.

Alexa did say that she sensed that they had a similar aura, a manipulative aura that craved power.

“Well then I think you need a few lessons about humour, you are not as funny as you think you are Sasha” Alexa replied.

I saw how everyone seemed to like that Alexa isn’t taking Sasha’s bullying.

“Morning” a girl said coming downstairs.

She was looking at the ground, obviously the shy type and the type that Sasha would bully without thinking twice.

“This is Clara, she is the gamma’s daughter and maybe the next Gamma” Logan said introducing her.

I looked at Alexa, staying with Alexa has taught me a few things about aura.

Although I cant sense it on a deeper level like she does, but I can pick up on a few things.

This girl has a problem as well, something is wrong with her wolf but why?

“Nice to meet you Clara, my name is Charlotte, and this is my younger sister Alexa” I said, and she smiled.

“Nice to meet you as well” she said sitting down and I looked at Justice.

The way he was looking at her, as if he wanted to kill her at this very moment.

Even Sasha had the same look on her face, is it because of what Logan said?

“Future Gamma huh, nice, it would be great to see a female in leadership” Alexa said with a proud grin.

“For that she needs to unlock her wolf first, how can a wolf less girl be a gamma?” Sasha asked.

See what a told you?

She is really a bully and people like Clara are her playground.

“Everything has its own time; I am sure that she will unlock her wolf very soon” Dean said and gave Clara a gentle smile.

“What do you mean by unlock her wolf?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Ohhh we forgot that you are merely human so you wouldn’t understand what we are talking about” Sasha said.

I was how Alexa rolled her eyes at this and I couldn’t help but smile.

Sasha obviously didn’t like my smile, she thought that maybe I was mocking her or something.

“It means that her wolf hasn’t come forth. She hasn’t changed into her wolf, not even when she was supposed to the day she turned 16 years old” Logan explained.

“My brother is being too nice; it means that she Is useless. How can someone like her be a gamma. Is even lower than an omega” Justice said with a smirk.

Clara looked down and didn’t say anything, bullies are everywhere I tell you.

“Enough brother, how could you say that about someone we grew up with?” Logan asked.

The Alpha King just sat there, he seemed defeated, and I couldn’t help but wonder who is doing that to him.

I have met a few Alphas in my lifetime and none of them were as weak as he is.

I didn’t know for a certain but now I know, but who could be doing this to him?

I looked around the room to see who would do something this vile?

Who would want to take away his power like this?

At this point soon any of his sons would be able to take away the throne from him.

Which mean that it could be any of them, but will Justice go as far as to do such a thing?

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