
Chapter 50: Problems

Charlotte’s pov

We got out of the car and a whole crowd of people came to welcome us.

“Little brother, I see why you went above and beyond for your mate. She is a real beauty, but she is human” a guy said.

He does have a resemblance to Logan and his arrogance tells me all I need to know.

This is the older brother that Sebastian warned me about.

He said that for some reason he didn’t like this guy and saw an evilness in him.

Sebastian has been living for centuries and is obviously very knowledgeable and has experienced a lot of things.

“Yes she is human, I get she is your mate but why would you settle for a mere human?” this other girl said sizing me up and down.

“She is human but none of you have to bitch about it, are you that special because you can grow fur and claws?” Alexa asked.

I looked at her telling her to shut up, but she didn’t listen to my quiet pleas.

Instead, she looked at Logan, “Why are you just standing there and watching them talk to her like that? Is this what you called us for?” Alexa asked him.

He seemed speechless and didn’t know what to say.

“You are quite a speaker aren’t you? For someone who could die in a matter of seconds” the girl said Alexa.

“Enough Sasha, shut the fuck up. This is my mate and my sister in law you are talking to” Logan finally spoke up.

“Relax brother, you know how Sasha is at times” the other guy said.

“Welcome my future daughter in law, I am Dylan Spade and also the Alpha King” an older man said with a gentle smile.

He seemed like someone who was somewhat haunted by something.

“And I am Dean Knight, I am Logan’s best friend” a guy came up out of nowhere.

“I am that girl’s older brother, don’t worry, her bark is way worse than her bite” he said looking at the girl Sasha.

I could tell that she doesn’t like me much but now her attention was on Alexa.

“Nice to meet everyone, my name is Charlotte, and this is my younger sister Alexa” I introduced us to everyone.

“No last names I see” the older brother said looking at Logan.

“We are orphans, we don’t know who our parents are” Alexa replied and looked at him as if daring him to say something else.

“Please come on in” the Alpha King said, and I don’t know what to think about him.

Most from what I have seen the Alpha King and Alphas are usually in great shape and with an intimidating aura.

I could tell just looking at him that something wasn’t right with him.

I looked at Alexa and she could tell the same right away; someone is suppressing his aura with portions.

We followed him in and there was a feast waiting for us inside with some of the pack members there.

“It must have come as a shock finding out about your mate” the Alpha King said the moment we sat down.

“It was, I never really had plans of falling in love or of ever finding someone to spend my life with” I said, and I heard a scoff.

“But you changed your mind rather quickly when you found an Alpha Prince” Sasha said.

“I don’t know what you have against me because we just met but please could you stop with the comments. It’s a little bitchy like Alexa said, a woman should hold her tongue” I said.

“And say another negative word against my mate then I will make sure you move out of the pack mansion. Hell, I will make sure you are banned from here” Logan said.

The girl opened and closed her mouth like a fish not knowing what to do.

“Enough Sasha, just because you have a crush on him doesn’t mean you should treat his mate like that” her brother Dean said.

That’s what I suspected the moment she opened her mouth that there is more to it.

She obviously has feeling for Logan, but they are not mates so why?

Doesn’t she have her own mate or something like that?

After dinner they took Alexa to a room next to Logan’s and my things to Logan’s room.

“We shouldn’t raise any suspicion, is that okay with you sleeping in the same room as me?” he asked me whispering.

I raised my hands and murmured a spell, “you can speak as loud as you want now” I said sitting down on the couch.

“Thank you, sorry about Sasha” he said, and I just shrugged. “its okay, thank you for all of this” I answered instead.

“Is there something you are hiding from me?” I asked him and he looked at me surprised.

He then nodded, “I will let you know once I figure what it is, I am just not sure yet” he said, and I nodded.

“I will sleep on the couch, for now just rest up” he added talking a blanket with him and sleeping on the couch.

I need to be careful from now on, something tells me that the Justice guy and Sasha will be a problem.

I will keep my head down for now and see how they will act around me.

Here I was thinking that I am the only person who has a lot of problems, but I was wrong.

I thought the fact my own kind are hunting me down was a very huge problem.

But the more I think about it the more I realize that I don’t have a special situation from everyone.

Logan’s brother obviously has it out for him the way I saw it, his own brother seems to be scheming something.

I cant imagine living with someone like that, someone who obviously wants to see you fail.

He seemed so happy when he sensed that I am ‘human’, as if he was sure that he would win the throne.

I bet they were always competing against each other even if Logan didn’t want to.

To grow up in the same house with someone who sees you as their worst enemy cant be fun.

As for Sebastian everyone he has around him have been there with him for centuries and are people he trusts.

So, finding out that he has a mole, and it might be one of them might have not been easy to accept.

I bet he has been wondering ever since who it could be, I guess the world is full of problems.

I am have been just so consumed with mine that I forgot that other people exist as well.

I have been a little too self-centred haven’t I?

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