
Chapter 79: a broken witch’s heart

Charlotte’s pov

“Well then, shall we get going?” Sebastian asked and I nodded.

“I will go and pack up” I said and then quickly went to my room.

Logan came in as I was packing.

“I will deal with everything here so don’t worry” he said.

“I know you will be able to, Sebastian has an eye out on the witch. But I will need your favour” I said.

“Anything, I would do anything for you” he said, and I smiled. I know it will probably sounds really stupid to be asking for such a favour.

“My mother, I haven’t seen her in forever. When she comes here, can you secretly take a picture of her and send it to me?” I asked him.

“Of course,” he said and didn’t ask any questions after that which I am thankful for.

I have always loved my mother, growing up we were so close that I was always curious.

They were times I wanted to take a risk just so I could see her from a distance.

I always wondered if she is still as beautiful as she was, did she lock my room and never open it again.

Does she still have that same hate in her eyes as she did before?

I want to see it; I want to see how my precious mother turned out.

“Thank you” I said as I hugged him.

“I will keep you on the loop about everything” I said, and he nodded.

“Listen, I know that everything that everything will be okay.

I believe that somehow we will break this curse, so be careful and come back to me” he said with a smile.

I didn’t know what to say or how to react.

I do know that I care about Logan and some of those feelings feel like love.

But what about the feelings I have for Sebastian?

I am weirdly attracted to Sebastian ever since the day I met him.

Even when he was away I would think of him now and then.

I said my goodbyes to everyone.

“please break the curse somehow, it breaks my heart to even think about you all reliving this vicious cycle” the Alpha King said as he hugged.

“This time we will no matter what, just take care of Logan. And keep an eye on those two” I said, and he nodded.

He patted my head.

“I will do so kiddo, thank you for all you have done for us” he added.

“We are ready, father I will be back as soon as everything is over okay?” Clara said and her father nodded.

“You always wanted to live; I hope whatever this new path is it makes you feel alive” he said to her.

“Take care of my daughter Alexa” he said, and Alexa nodded as she hugged Clara.

“I will protect her with my life, believe it” she said, and Clara smiled.

“We will protect each other” Clara said and after we headed straight to Sebastian’s car.

“Going somewhere?” Sasha asked and I turned around and looked at her.

“How is that any of your business?” I asked her and she smiled.

“For someone who is cursed you sure like testing fate, okay you can go” she said and the chuckled.

“But you do know that it doesn’t matter where you run to, your ill fate will always follow you” Sasha said, and I smiled.

“What about you?

You think that yours wont?

Mine has been following me for centuries.

Maybe by now it is tired” I said and then pointed at her.

“But this must be your first life, which means that you will still suffer even in the next life” I said and then smiled.

“As you already know everything about me, then you will know the weight my words have” I added.

“How dare you? You think you can curse me? you think that I would be scared of a little witch who does nothing but run?” she asked me.

“This little witch exposed your true nature in front of everyone.

This little witch foiled all your plans if I am little then what are you?

You are nothing Sasha” I said, and I could see her getting angry.

“I wish I could kill you with my own hands” she said.

“I would like to see you try, I will break that hideous neck of yours in seconds. Lay a hair on her head if you don’t value your life” Sebastian said.

hell, there was no doubt that it was a promise and not a threat, as if he was daring her to do so.

I could see her shaking like a leaf, damn that was scary if I also being honest.

I looked at him and Sebastian looked really hot right now.

“Yeah Sasha, say another word. I am getting the feeling that if you do then you wont live long enough to see where my ill fate takes me” I said with a smirk.

I heard Alexa chuckle and then we got into the car and drove away.

“Thank you for standing up for me there” I said, and Sebastian looked at me.

“Her voice was annoying I had to shut her up” he said, and I looked at him.

He seemed somewhat distant, is he okay?

Was it because of what he heard from Lana about the mate bond?

I mean if I was him I would be heart broken to know that it’s the only way to break the curse.

“Will you let us break the curse no matter what?” I asked him and he smiled.

“Yes, no matter the cost I will let you break the curse. Hell, I will even go out of my way to do so” he said, and I nodded.

I could see the sadness in his eyes as he said this.

why do I feel like my own heart is breaking?

I saw a future with Logan, and I liked it.

I want the white picket fence;

I want kids and I want to grow old.

Its what my father wanted.

My father died trying to find ways to break the curse so I could live a normal life with a husband and kids.

A life with Sebastian isn’t that, and Logan is my mate which means that we are meant to be together.

Should I be with the man who I am destined to be with or the man who waited centuries for me?

Not even me but a version of me he fell in love with centuries ago.

We got to where he was living and as you guessed it was a huge mansion.

“Mark please show everyone to their rooms, and then come to my office. You and I need to talk” Sebastian said.

“Please let me lead you, your brother and cousin are waiting for you” Mark said with a smile.

He seems so kind, he led the way and led us to a room.

The moment the door opened I was engulfed in a hug.

“Look at you, you have grown into a beautiful young lady” May said.

That voice, it hasn’t changed at all, she started sobbing and I joined her.

I looked at her face, she also has grown into a beautiful young woman as well.

“I missed you May” I said, and she smiled.

“I missed you too, I would have come with David the last time, but our family couldn’t suspect anything” she said and then looked at Alexa and Clara.

“Hi” she said, and they greeted each other.

David came and hugged me as well, “sister I am so glad that you are okay” he said.

“I am sorry I didn’t tell you about May before” he said, and I shook my head.

“I am just glad that the two of you are here” I said, and May helped me sit down.

“I found a spell that could help with your memories” she said as I sat down.

“What? Really?” I asked and she started showing me the spell and explaining how it works.

“It needs a belonging of something that belongs to witch that broke the heart of the witch that casted the spell” she said, and I frowned.

“So, to do the curse we need something that belongs to someone who broke the heart of the witch who casted the spell?” I asked her and she nodded.

“The witch that casted the spell was your mother, that I am sure of.

She was the only one powerful enough to do such a spell” Sebastian said standing at the door.

“My mother, but who is the witch that broke my mother’s heart?” I asked him.

“That’s if she even has one, what kind of a mother would curse her own daughter for eternity?” Alexa asked.

“The kind of mother who would even hunt down her own daughter for something that isn’t her fault” David answered.

“Your father if I must guess.

Scarlet once told me that her father left her mother for another woman.

That is probably the witch that broke your mother’s heart” Sebastian said.

“But who will we get something that belonged to a father I don’t remember?” I asked.

“Lucky for you, back then witches would be buried with their belongings.

I know where Scarlet’s buried, I bet she has something in there that belonged to her father.

A hair pin I think, she loved it a lot.

She once told me her father gave it to her” Sebastian explained.

“What? Wouldn’t it have rusted by now?” Clara asked.

“Not really, if they did such things then they use magic to preserve the objects” May answered.

“Which means they will still be in perfect condition if they are still there” David added.

“There is just one problem” Sebastian said I looked at him confused.

What could be the problem?

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