
Like Father, Like Son

When Louis got back to his office, he was already exhausted. He sank into his office chair and Barbara came walking in hurriedly.

'What took you so long? You had a meeting with-' Barbara asked him angrily

'The old Evanston CEO?' He finished for her.

'Considering how you disappeared from the restaurant the other day, the least you could have done was come for the damn meeting. The man left here, feeling insulted.' Barbara complained.

'B, I seriously and honestly don't care about Evanston at this point. Well you should have called me.'

'Check your fucking phone. If you had, you would know I called you over fifteen times.' She said.

'I was not in the position to check phones for calls. Rhoda showed up at my house, yesterday.' He said resignedly.

'Rhoda. As in, baby mama Rhoda?' Barbara sat

'Yup, that Rhoda.' Louis nodded.

'I thought she was terrified of you. She painted that picture so well that most people believe you would kill her if you set eyes on her.' Barbara asked.

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