
Author: B.S BEN


The toy.

“Bloody bastard.” The screech of my car tyres pierced through the bustling city as I ran my trembling hand through my brunette hair, tears pooling in my brown eyes. My heart sank from the devastating news flashing across the media: “Damon Wesley, a business mogul, engages Lucy Beckham, daughter of Beckham Construction.”

The news shook the internet. Swiftly followed by brutal attacks from the media, branding me a gold digger and urging me to return to the gutters where I belonged.

Reaching for my phone, I dialed Damon’s number, yet there was no response.

“Is this bastard avoiding me?” I seethed, a mixed feeling of rage and heartbreak coursing through my veins. Even if it was a fake relationship, I still deserve to get a heads-up.

As I arrived at Damon’s mansion, the security man intercepted. “Ma’am, I’m sorry you can’t enter. There is a celebration happening inside,” he informed.

I let out a short laugh—a laugh laced with anger. “Well, tell your boss; he’d better come out or at least answer his calls before I make a scene. I’ve already been disgraced enough tonight.” Although I didn’t truly mean it, I had endured enough shame and didn’t need any more rumors circulating about me, especially involving chasing after a man’s love. But knowing Damon's dislike for drama, he’d likely respond to my threat.

As expected, my phone rang a few minutes later.

“Wait for me at our apartment.” Damon’s deep voice came through the line, ending the call before I could ask any questions. I stepped back into the car and drove home straight away.


Arriving at the apartment, I headed straight to the wine cabinet and reached for his favorite, the most expensive bottle. Grabbing an empty glass, I collapsed onto the sofa in the living room. I poured the wine and quickly downed it in one gulp.

I picked up the article and read it again, the pain just as intense as the first time. This had to be a rumor. I couldn't understand how this could be happening. We were together just two days ago, and he hadn't mentioned anything about it.

As I tightened my face, gulping another glass of the bitter amber liquid down my throat, the security system buzzed.

“Did you bring a man into our apartment?” Damon's voice cut through the air, as his gaze fell on the bottles littered across the center table. He knew I didn’t take alcohol—I could barely stomach a glass, let alone bottles.

I turned and saw him standing there, his dark tousled hair styled back with a few strands lazily falling across his intense amber hunter eyes. His white shirt accentuated his powerful shoulders and chest, tapering down to a sassy waist. His presence always made my heart race, as if it were racing toward something, or, should I say, racing toward him.

Snapping out, “really?” My eyes widened. News about his engagement to another woman is flying everywhere, and all he could say is if I brought another man. I pulled up my phone, shoved the news article in his face, and asked, “Is this true?”. My voice trembled.

“B—.” Damon’s voice softened.

“Is this true?” I pressed, almost tearing my vocal cords.

“Yes,” he confirmed.

I froze, his words shattering what was left of my heart. Seeing the news had been heartbreaking, but hearing the confirmation from his lips was soul-crushing. I had hoped he would dismiss it as mere gossip.

With Damon trailing behind me, I stomped upstairs to the room. I flung open the wardrobes, dragging out my luggage and hurling it on the bed.

“What are you doing?” Damon questioned, a frown etched across his face.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I retorted as I continued hurling my clothes into my luggage. “I’m moving out.”


I paused, resting my right arm on my hips. “Are you seriously asking why?” A scoff escaped my lips. “Because we are over.”

“Who said we were over?” Damon’s powerful arms pinned me to the wall, his body pressing hard against mine and his light amber eyes stared into mine, weakening my resolve. I had to save what little pride I had left. I couldn’t even justify my anger since it was a deal. But if he knew he didn’t care about me, why did he speak so softly to me? Did all those nights of cuddling mean nothing to him? I shifted my gaze away from his.

I hated myself that even now, I still admired his striking features, wanting to fall on my knees and beg him not to leave me and love the other woman.

“You don’t get to decide when this ends. We have a contract.” His eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean?” I asked. He's engaged; shouldn’t he be getting rid of me? “You are getting married; you have found your love.” A new wave of tears slowly gathered in my eyes.

Damon flinched when I mentioned his love.

“Why do you still need me? After all, I was just a toy for you.” I turned my head away.

“Don’t say that,” Damon whispered, his hands still pinning me to the wall.

Thoughts of Damon being with that woman and I just hanging around as a side piece tortured me. I would rather let him go and heal—after all, it had been just a deal.

“I want out. I’m done being your toy,” I said, raising my eyes to meet his. I pulled myself free from his grip. “I wish you happiness,” I added, knowing deep down I wished anything but happiness for him.

With a forced smile, I dragged my luggage downstairs and headed towards the door.

“Aria Smith, One step out of that door, I will pull all the funds from your mother’s treatment, and you will pay back everything you have received from me.”

I dropped my bag to the floor and approached him. “Why are you doing this to me?” I repeatedly hit his broad chest with my clenched fists. “What’s the use of a fake girlfriend when you have a wife?” I had no idea what plans he had for me. The whole point of the fake relationship was to flaunt me as a girlfriend. But now he’s engaged and still wants to keep me.

“WTF, she’s not my wife,” Damon blurted out. “Just keep being the toy that you are,” Damon added, his voice tinged with anger. “Your mother keeps receiving her treatment; you keep enjoying the finest of things in life.”

“Are you threatening me?” I questioned, narrowing my eyes. I couldn’t help but wonder why he changed so suddenly—I had never seen this side of him.

“No, I’m telling you the future. Now go and arrange your things back in the room,” Damon ordered.

I did exactly as I was told and then went to bed, falling asleep easily as the alcohol finally kicked in.


I woke up the next day with a bad migraine, I took a shower, made myself a cup of coffee and decided to go visit my mum at Teyley hospital, arguably the best specialist hospital in the country yet located right here in the middle of our city. On my way there, I took a detour to a flower shop and bought a small bouquet of Calla lilies, they were my mum's favorite, red and smells good just like red roses. Getting to the hospital, I swapped the withered flowers with the new ones, then went over to my mother's bed cupping her hands in mine.

“Please forgive me,” my voice broke as I stared at her lying in her vegetative state.

When I woke up from my coma about a year ago, the hope of my mother waking up from her coma rose. It’s been a year, but she's still lying here. I bet it's because she still holds a grudge against me and God for taking her favourite daughter, the prize of the Smith family, and leaving me, the problematic one.

When I first asked what happened, my aunt told me it was a car accident. Since I was suffering from memory loss and couldn’t remember how I ended up in a hospital, She explained that when my mother found out I had survived while Ariel had not, she suddenly had a stroke and fell into a coma. Ariel and I were twins and looked so alike that even our mother sometimes couldn’t tell us apart, but our personalities were completely different. Ariel was calm and intelligent, while I was chaotic. Everyone loved Ariel. Everyone praised Ariel, she was so much better than me.

My aunt said that now that Ariel is gone, I needed to take my life more seriously to fill the gap left by Ariel when my mother wakes up. After regaining some of my memories a few months after waking up, I realised my aunt was right. My mother had loved Ariel deeply, and I had always been a disappointment. She even called me a prototype, saying Ariel was the real one.

But now I have to work harder, so when she wakes up, she will see I’m not a failure anymore. I can’t be Ariel, but at least I won’t be a disappointment.

I got up and left.



“Why are you here?” I asked, a frown stamped on my face as I moved towards my car, ignoring Damon approaching in his navy blue suit that emphasized his light amber eyes. I was still at the basement of the hospital about to head to work, yet here he was. He had threatened to come meet me in my office if I didn’t meet him outside. And I was trying to avoid any drama, especially at my workplace.

“I was free, so I decided to stop by,” he replied, his full lips curling into a tender smile as he gazed down at me.

“Stop by at your missing piece’s office,” I retorted as I had seen an interview where he called the other woman his missing piece.

“I don’t like the way I left last night—I deeply regret the words I said,” Damon apologized. “I want to make it up to you.”

“Then let me go,” I pleaded. “It’s just not fair. You get to marry and have kids, while I’ll just remain a guilty pleasure.”

“You can have my kids.” Damon joked.

The thought of having his kids stirred up a fluttering feeling in my stomach, but it was short-lived as I remembered the man wasn’t mine. “Then you can’t make it up to me,” I commented.

As I was about to walk out, Damon gripped my hand. His eyes reflecting sadness, he asked, “Why are you in such a hurry to leave me?”

My eyes widened in disbelief.

Me, in a rush to leave him? He was the one engaged to another woman, the one confessing his feelings for someone else publicly, saying things he’d never said to me.I had so much to say to him, but if I had stayed any longer, I would have broken into tears and I promised last night that I wouldn’t shed a drop of tears for him.

With a tensed body, I returned to my office.As I resumed my work, my phone interrupted with a call.

"Is this Aria Smith?" the voice on the other end asked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"It's Teyley Hospital. Your mother has regained consciousness from her coma

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