
The big Reveal ~ 1

“What!” Sam exclaimed, his eyes wide in shock as he stared at his dad.

He wasn’t expecting such news from Ethan; Sam could feel his heart pound faster than normal.

“Yes, it’s true, Sam. And you’re the only person who knows now apart from Clinton,” Ethan confirmed his words, gazing at Sam soberly.

Sam still couldn’t assimilate the news, he was confused; Ethan looked so healthy when they met, he thought this was just a little illness he had because of his age or something.

“I… I don’t understand dad,” Sam stuttered, he was still utterly devastated by what his dad just revealed to him.

“I found out about the illness very late, Sam. It’s already in the advanced stages, and my days here on earth are numbered, but I want you to have all you need before my time reaches fruition,” Ethan narrated, none of his children would take this news easily. He knew that, he just hoped they would allow him to die in peace.

This was his last resort if Elena tried to go on with the divorce, he was goi
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