

"I'm busy, you guys have fun!"

His voice was cold and devoid of emotion as always. He didn't even wait for a response before he hung up. Beep! Jonas stares at his phone to see that the call has ended, he sighs heavily.

"He still doesn't wish to see us?"

He picks up a framed picture he keeps on his desk, in the picture you could see two young college boys. One had a smile so bright it could put the sun to shame while the other was the complete opposite, on his face was a frown of displeasure and he didn't seem enthusiastic for the photo.

"Time does change ."

He sets the picture back in place and resumes work on his laptop. ... Vanessa drives into a villa where her grand mother reside, though in her past life she didn't have any relationship with her grand mother and she barely had a relationship with her parents.

She vows to build a good and healthy relationship with her family, she refuses to lose them in this lifetime! After losing them, she had no one to care for her. She knew loneliness like the air she breathe, though her child gave her solace, Khloe and Francis killed her. They snatched and destroyed her happiness, now she'll make them pay tenfolds! Vanessa waltz into the building and what greeted her was the fragrant aroma of cooking that filled the air

"Grandma!" She calls out startling old Mrs Lawson who was looking at the picture frame of her late husband; Mathias Lawson.

"Vanessa?" Old Mrs Lawson was shocked as her granddaughter never visited her and they met only a few times. A smile graced her beautiful face though she was surprised, she was greatly pleased that Vanessa took the initiative to visit her.

"What are you doing here so early?" She asked as she motioned for Vanessa to take a sit.

"Don't you want to see me?" Vanessa asked with a pout.

"I always want to see you. Though you hardly visit me, I'm glad you're here."

" I... I haven't been a good granddaughter and I've neglected you. I apologize to you grandma, please forgive me" Vanessa apologized earnestly while bowing her head down to her grandmother; Venice.

Vernice eyes turned teary as she couldn't believe her ears. "Are you serious Nessa? You've finally acknowledged me as your grandmother?"

" You've always been my grandmother " Vanessa walks to where Vernice is seated and kneels in front of her, placing her head on Vernice's lap. Vernice gladly caresses her head with a doting look on her face. She used to be proud to show of Khloe, her 'granddaughter'. But after discovering that Khloe isn't related to the Lawson's she became apprehensive for she knows Khloe might seem like a gentle yet strong and confident woman but deep down she's manipulative and shrewd. She does everything in her power to get what she wants.

She tried to convince her son and his wife to let her go back to her family as they reunited with their daughter but they refused since she was the daughter they loved and raised for twenty years. "What's cooking grandma?"

"Oh dear!"

Vanessa had breakfast with her grandmother. She couldn't believe her grand mother's cooking could be so delicious, she had to get seconds. "To think this is what I've been missing" Vanessa said with a satisfied smile on her face. Vanessa's comment brought a beautiful smile to Vernice's face, she loves cooking but after her husband's passing two years ago there was no one to share a meal with.

Her daughter-in-law visits from time to time. She was excited to have Vanessa with her and Vanessa being a foodie was a bonus point as she could cook all she wants and Vanessa will eat! "You should come by often."

"Of course I will! Your cookings won't eat itself, I have to help you so you don't put on too much weight"

she couldn't contain her excitement.

"Come child, let's go for a walk in the garden" Vanessa and her grandmother Venice walked in the garden, the weather was pleasant to the skin, the breeze was refreshing. They sat in the rose garden, discussing so many topics from how Vanessa's childhood with the Hudgens were. Though they lived in the country side and were just farmers, they did their best to provide Vanessa with the best life they could give. She learnt martial arts, painting, how to play the piano, dancing and many more. They wanted to give their daughter their all.

She always got in to trouble, her brothers will stand up and protect her. She thought it was perfect as the country side wasn't as polluted as the city and the people there wasn't conceited. Vernice was glad to know the Hudgens though not rich gave her granddaughter the best training.

She loved how carefree and simple minded Vanessa grew up to be, but she couldn't help but worry as Khloe isn't easy to deal with. She wants both to co-exist peacefully since her son refuses to be separated from Khloe.

"Nessa" "

Yes grandma?"

Vanessa who was taking a picture of the roses in the garden turn to look at her grand mother.

"I know you've decided but I can't help myself. Do you really want to get married into the Woods family?"

Vanessa had a serious expression on her face.

" No"

"I know you love him but... Wait?! Did you just say no?"

Happiness could be heard in Vernice's voice but she soon turned confused.

"You don't want to marry Francis? Thought you loved him"

" Grandma, I don't feel like we could work. You and my parents strongly disagree with us being together plus he doesn't seem to be interested in me. I have been stubborn and refuse to back down, but the more I think about the situation, the more I realize you all want the best for me and since Francis isn't good enough to get your approval then he isn't good enough to be with me. I don't want to marry the wrong man"

Vernice couldn't believe her ears, though the Woods family is a prestigious family they are not on par with the Lawsons. The Woods boy, Francis doesn't seem like a good man and he isn't very outstanding. She believes he doesn't deserve her granddaughter after all she has only one granddaughter and she deserves only the best things life has to offer.

Vernice couldn't contain her happiness as she let out a hearty laugh and pinched Vanessa's cheeks.

"That's how the Princess of the Lawsons family should behave, never settle for anything less. You deserve only the world's finest!"

She hold Vanessa's face in her hand as she placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't worry, just trust grandma. I'll find you the world's best groom. That Quinns boy would have been a good choice, unfortunately he is bound to a wheelchair and can't walk. He also can't function as a man. I wouldn't like that, I plan to hold my great grandchildren before I depart to meet your grandfather in the afterlife."

Vanessa pouts "You want to leave me?"

"Hahaha, of course not, silly girl. This old woman isn't getting any younger. I have to make sure everything is in place before I leave, else your grandfather will be to lonely there all alone."

She looked up to the sky with a sad smile. Vanessa hugged her grandmother who was still mourning the loss of her love. She left after her grandmother calmed down and they talked a bit. She drove to the Quinns empire with a red rose she plucked from the garden.

Just as she arrives she sees Young master Leonardo leaving the building, he seemed busy as his assistant followed closely and takes notes of what's being said to him.

"Young master Leonardo!" She calls out as she quickly approaches him, she stands before him with a beautiful smile on her face. Leonardo had his bodyguard behind him as he silently looked at the woman in front of him grinning like a Cheshire cat.


His tone was so cold that his assistant Mr Toby Reynolds felt a chill go down his spine.

"Let's have lunch together"

Vanessa pleaded with Leonardo even though he rejected her offer the moment it left her mouth she refused to give up and kept pestering him, telling him of her efforts to arrange their lunch date while the bodyguards and Leonardo's assistant watched with their breaths held, they could hardly believe that the young master was actually listening to her persuasion as he would have had them throw her out of there but instead he listen to her with a blank look on his face.

"So would you please consider it?"

She begged again going all puppy eyes on him.

"Cough" He turned to his assistant.

"I'll be having lunch with Ms Lawson, have the appointment with Mr Newton moved."

He then signalled his bodyguard to move leaving Vanessa and the assistant standing there stunned.

"Are we having lunch here?"

Vanessa was snapped back to reality by the question, she hurriedly followed him to the car and even shamelessly sat with him in the back. She kept talking about how lovely the date she planned for them is and how he'll surely have a great time.

While Vanessa kept chattering on and on Leonardo looked out the car window and muttered below his breath "noisy" with a small smile on his lips.

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