
It's a DATE

Vanessa pushed Leonardo into a garden where children's laughter could be heard, you could literally feel the joy and happiness radiating from everyone present in the park, the garden was a small yet incredibly beautiful space inside the park filled with lovely flowers in full bloom. Leonardo barely had an expression on his face but his eyes had a mix of emotions swirling in them.

"I made everything myself"

Vanessa displayed the meal she prepared with a proud look on her face. Leonardo looked at the meal and he knew it looked appetizing, so he looked at her to praise her culinary skill but stopped short when he saw her proud smile with her nose to the sky, he held back his praise while he thought 'she looked like a peacock showing off his feathers'

"Doesn't it look good?"

"Who knows?"

He sat down and looked at his plate filled with the food Vanessa served him before eating, his eating habits were so graceful and elegant. Vanessa couldn't take her eyes off him. She kept staring him.

She was willing to spend the rest of her life with a man who had such a gorgeous face. Leonardo's face turned grim at how she stared at him, and he wondered if she wanted to eat the food on the table or himself.

"Why aren't you eating? I thought you didn't want your effort to go to waste?" The edges of his lips turned upward into a sarcastic smirk.

"The food doesn't look appetizing with you in front of me, I mean if I could have you it would be much-"

She abruptly stopped and dared not finish her sentence, she couldn't help but curse herself for being such an idiot and running her mouth.

Why did he have to ask! She was so distracted staring at him and had not time to recover when he asked the question, the answer just tumbled out of her mouth instinctively.

Meanwhile Leonardo was stunned for a brief moment before a helpless, exasperated look appeared on his face when he saw that she had cringed sheepishly, he flicked her on the head.

Despite the pain, she didn't complain, and merely rubbed the spot he flicked. Instead she cast him a tentative look, and she tried guessing if he was finished punishing her

"Vanessa Lawson, I suppose you still remember you're a woman. You can't say such shameless things."

She nodded " Leonardo, I know I am a woman. But it can't be helped when faced with a face as beautiful as yours"

Leonardo couldn't believe she just blamed him for her shamelessness

"Don't worry though, I'm not like this with other men. After all you're my husband."

Alas, he merely mocked her indifferently " I don't remember us getting married. Why didn't you tell me you are delusional as well?"

" I'm still pursuing you, aren't I?" She murmured " Leonardo, can we just get married? How about we get our marriage certificate? " She had to admit he was hard to impress.

Again, he knocked her head several times with a fork, and she glared at him angrily and aggrievedly as she tolerated the pain.

"The reason we're not married is because you rejected my family's proposal. Now you want to marry me, what made you change your mind?"

Huh? How should I answer this question? She wondered. If she told him about the bizarre events surrounding her past life or the fact that she reincarnated. Would he believe her? No! Surely he will tell her she needs to visit the psychiatrist.

"Answer me!"

The next second, his face became severe and strict. Terrified, Vanessa felt getting along with this man wasn't easy, and all her nerves were strung tight because his temper was unpredictable.

"I wasn't thinking straight, I mean he couldn't compare, after all the king of the jungle is you. Why would I settled for a chimpanzee when I could have the King himself?"

Then she cast her eyes downward to her plate with a nervous laugh. With his intelligence, he knew she wasn't being honest but he wasn't mad at all.

Ever since he bacame paralyzed waist down from the car accident, there was a rumour spreading that he was so severely injured that he had become sterile. Therefore every woman that wanted to marry him turned their heads as they believed he couldn't do it.

"That looks yummy!" A childs cute voice was heard when they looked they saw an adorable little girl with twin braids and a pink Barbie dress staring at the dishes with her sparkling blue eyes.

"Do you want some?" Vanessa asked with a smile "I promise they taste as good as they look"

" Can I really have some? "

" Yes of course, come here"

Vanessa served the little girl some and they discussed about the foods, Leonardo watched her interaction with the child that barged into their lunch plan and thought she wasn't that bad except for the fact that she had bad taste to reject his proposal for Francis, he decided to give her a chance.

"It's not like there's anyone else, anyways" he muttered underneath his breath with a self depreciating smile on his face.

They enjoyed their lunch looking like a cute little family of three when a voice sounded "Brittany! Where are you?!"

"I'm over here mama!" The little girl waved a blonde blue eyed lady, who then strut over without noticing Leonard and Vanessa. When she reached to carry the girl then she sees the man sitting there like a king on his throne with a stunningly beautiful woman by his side, she quickly apologize for her daughters behavior "I'm so sorry, I hope she didn't disrupt your picnic"

" No she didn't, she's so cute." Vanessa responded with a smile in her face as she pinched the little girls cheeks, who smiles sweetly in response.

"It's a Date!"

The three ladies turn to look at the grumpy man, confused about what he just said. He could see their confusion written all over their face and says "It's not a picnic, it's a Date!"

Vanessa froze for a second after hearing what he said for the second time before grinning ear to ear.

"Yes, it's a Date. We are on a date"

"Oh I'm so sorry, she must have interrupted your date. A-apologies M-mister" Caitlin couldn't help but stutter when speaking to Leonardo because of his overbearing aura.

"We'll get going now, say bye to the kind lady Brittany"

" Bye pretty lady! Bye grumpy uncle! "

Both Vanessa and Caitlin could feel the temperature drop, they didn't dare look at the man beside them.

"Well take our leave now"

Caitlin fled the scene with her daughter in her arms not turning once to see the man behind her. Vanessa sat down quietly and picked up the dishes to tidy the place when Leonardo speaks "who did she call grumpy?"

"Grumpy? She said handsome, bye handsome uncle. She definitely didn't say anything close to grumpy at all"

Vanessa answered desperately trying to save the little girl.

"Do you think my ears don't work?"

"Your ears work perfectly, just that you didn't hear what she said clearly as she spoke softly"

After sending her a glare, he closed his eyes, " I'll forgive you this time"

Vanessa let out a sigh of relief, looking at the man with his eyes closed, she asked " wanna go for a walk? "

"Why would this grumpy man go with you?"

" Cause it's good for your system and the weather is so nice, we're in the park. You certainly can't miss out on exploring the environment... " She kept ranting all the reasons she could think of even when they made absolutely no sense.

"I mean you'll-"

"Push me" she was so happy, she felt her cheeks hurt and her throat was dry from excessive speaking.

After the walk, they returned to the car. Driving back to the Quinns empire in silence, the silence though was comfortable not strained. Both the driver and the body gaurd in the front passenger seat of the car could tell the Young master has warmed up to the woman. Young master Leonardo ordered the driver to head over to the Lawson estate to drop Vanessa, much to her surprise and glee.

They arrived shortly, before getting down from the car. Vanessa leaned close to Leonardo and said "Thanks for sending me home Leo." She dropped a kiss on his cheek before getting out of the car at lightning speed and running into the house not daring to look back once.

The car was silent after her departure, Leonardo stared at the little lady running away from him after being brazen enough to kiss him on the face. He couldn't help but think her cute, with amusement in his eyes, the sides of his lips lift into a small smile.


They left the Lawson estate, heading back to the Quinns residence.

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