
003: Exiled


I keep staring into his eyes and can't seem to figure out what's going on. Why has his demeanor changed so quickly?

Why's he looking at me with so much...contempt?

"This was easier than I thought," he says, though his voice sounds far from gentle and seductive. It's cold and hard, like a rock. "I'm pretty disappointed. I was hoping for a challenge."

I frown. "What?"

"They say rogue women are cheap. That they'll do anything for a dime. But what is your excuse, Lycan? I thought you were better than us."

My anger flares. "Excuse me?"

He stares at my face intently before asking, "What, are you offended by my words? You came all over my cock, Lara. You have no right to be offended."

I try to step back but find that my back is already against the wall. I stare at him in disbelief while I try to figure out what exactly I'm feeling at the moment. Anger, betrayal, sure. But regret is shining brighter than any other emotion. I shouldn't have done this.

I shouldn't have given myself up to this...this...I don't even have the right words for him.

When he tries to step closer to me, I flinch. He tilts his head and flashes me a cruel smile. I ball my fists and say, "Get the hell away from me!"

"Don't you know why I did this?" he asks. "Aren't you even a tiny bit curious?"

I keep my lips sealed. I feel so sick that I could vomit at his feet. I keep glaring at him, unwilling to answer his questions.

I expect him to give me the answer freely but he says instead, "You tell your father that Michelle has been avenged. Trust me, he knows who she is. And I'll tell you what; you should be thankful that I wasn't as cruel to you as he was to her. I could've had my way with you. Nobody would've come to your aid."

Tears fill my eyes. I can't believe I've been used in this way. I can't believe I let myself fall into temptation and disregard the consequences.

What was I thinking?

"I reject you, Lara Taylor, as my mate."

I glare at him, hot tears rolling down my cheeks. His eyes are narrowed to slits and he grabs my face forcefully, making me part my lips. "Say the words, Lara. Spare yourself the grief. I'm not going to be mated to someone like you. Filth runs in your blood. Look at you, fucking a stranger on the night of your engagement. If I were Vaughan Dabrowski, I'd fucking kill myself. Who the hell wants a whore for a mate?"

I shove him off me and angrily declare, "I, Lara Taylor, reject you as my mate!"

"Excellent," he says before stepping away from me and wiping his hands on his pants. I watch him stride toward the metal doors and disappear.

The silence in the rooftop stuns me. So does the feel of our bond disintegrating. Now that the powerful connection we had is no longer present, it's easy for me to identify the red signs. I shouldn't have trusted him as his intentions were unclear from the start.

I manage to push myself off the wall and push through the metal doors. I step onto the top of the staircase and as soon as I do, something catches my eye. Not something. Rather, someone.

I turn my head and make eye contact with my brother.

For a moment, he's so unfamiliar to me that I question whether this person really is Finch or not. I've never seen him stare at me with this blank look on his face. He's looking at me like we're strangers.

"We need to talk," he says first.

I was so preoccupied with what happened at the rooftop that I forgot all about Finch and Vaughan. I cover my face with my hands, feeling stretched thin.

This night can't be real.

"Lara, we have to talk," he says more forcefully.

"I can't," is all I can say. "I can't. Please, I can't."

I start toward the stairs. It only occurs to me halfway down that I don't know what I'm going to do. It feels like I'm losing my mind.

Finch follows closely behind and says, "You know there's no time to wait. I know what you saw."

I stop when I reach the foot of the stairs and turn around to face him. "What's there to talk about? You and Vaughan are together. This engagement can't happen. End of story."

"No, this engagement will happen," he insists before stepping down to face me. "You're still going to be with Vaughan."

I frown. "What?"

"People will talk if you leave him now," he says to me. "It's to present a united front. Keep that in mind. I don't see a reason why you have to make such a rash decision."

"You're aware that the whole purpose of a mating between us would be to procreate, right? Have babies?"

Finch shrugs. "So, what? We can come to an agreement. This doesn't have to be the end of the world. But you can't drop this engagement, Lara."

I narrow my eyes at him. "What in the hell is wrong with you? You're okay with me having babies with your boyfriend? Do you realize how crazy you sound!?"


I turn away from him. I've had enough of this night. I just want to forget everything and be able to gather my thoughts in silence. This won't do.


My brother grabs me by the arm and I'm stunned by the force he uses. He's never used force with me before. I've never felt this much aggression from him. He says through his teeth, "You will do this, Lara. Don't make me have to do something you'll regret. You're causing trouble for no reason at all. What, are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" I ask before scoffing. "I just don't want to be a part of a lie. That's all. I suggest you reveal the truth to Dad and the world. I don't see why this sham has to continue. He's clearly not into women. So, why keep it a secret? Who even cares about procreation?"

Finch stares at me in disbelief. I walk away from him and ride the elevator down to my room alone. I'm practically swaying on my feet.

I throw myself on my bed. Everything that happened tonight races through my mind. It’s like there’s a barrier in my mind keeping me from processing everything fully and it’s reinforced by exhaustion. I close my eyes for a moment and sink into the deepest sleep of my life, not caring about anything else.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’ll deal with everything.

Horrible dreams plague me and I find it impossible to rest well. When I wake up, my room is dark. I’m in a lot of pain and have no idea where it’s coming from.

I roll onto my back and try to get up. A groan leaves my lips. It’s followed by a curse when the events of last night race through my mind. Words can’t describe how ashamed I feel of myself right now. And Finch? How could he make me such an offer?

I can’t believe last night wasn’t a dream.

My bedroom door bangs open mid-thought, and I look up and see my father rushing toward me. His face is a mask of anger, and for a painful moment, I think he’ll hit me.

What’s happening?

“What have you done!?” he barks in my face. His face is growing redder by the moment. “What the hell have you done!?”

“I don’t know what’s going on,” I say, trying not to stammer.

“That man you slept with so carelessly, who was he!? Was he your lover!?”

All the blood drains from my face. How does he know about that? “I don’t—”

He grabs me by the arms and shakes me. “Don’t lie to me, Lara! Don’t you dare lie to me! Who was he? Who was that son-of-a-bitch!?”

His answer slips from my lips. “I never found out what his name was.”

My father stiffens and releases me before stepping back. Goddess, I wish I could process this situation faster than I am. He turns away from me while running his fingers through his hair. He’s the reason why I’m a natural redhead.

“You’ve humiliated me in front of everyone,” he says gravely. “You’ve made a fool of yourself and of me. To sleep with a man on the night of your engagement?”

I stand up. “You don’t understand, Dad. I didn’t do it because…this engagement wouldn’t have happened anyway. Finch and Vaughan are together. They’re lovers. I could never be with him!”

My father turns to me slowly, his eyes filled with anger. He strikes me so hard across the face that I fall to the ground. I clutch my cheek as I stare up at him.

In a cold, trembling voice, he tells me, “You’re out. I want you out of this pack and out of my life. From now on, you’re nothing to me. Do you understand?”

Tears well in my eyes. He walks out of the room and leaves the door open. He doesn’t look back, not once. Several minutes later, his men come in to pick me up like a piece of dirt and leave me by the side of the road.

I’m thrown into the alleyway, scraping my arms as I collide against the ground. The door is then closed right in my face, and it doesn’t open no matter how many times I bang on it.

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