
Chapter Twenty XIV

Alice puts a mug of hot chocolate on Sebastian's desk while her brother is busy reading a newspaper. His feet were resting on the table while his back was leaning on the swivel chair.

"Here's your hot chocolate brother," she said before jumping onto Sebastian's bed.

Sebastian reached for the mug and carefully take a sip on it. He's wearing his eyeglasses that were not very usual for him to do unless he's reading something important.

"So I won't get a thank you for making my brother a hot chocolate?" Alice said while sipping her coffee.

He raised his mug. "Thanks, Alice."

"You're very much welcome, Basty," she sarcastically said while rolling her eyes.

It's been days and finally, she got fully healed and she no longer have to use her wheelchair. It was tiring to move just by using both of her arms and she's grateful that finally, she wouldn't be dependent on her wheelchair anymore and can move on her own.

"What are you reading?" she as

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