
Who Is Lucius?

Diane's POV

Fear poured into my heart at a rate I thought should have been impossible to even think about. My heart started weighing down on me and it became a sort of burden that was pulling me into a dark abyss.

I wanted to speak but I couldn't find it in me to say a word. My lips parted but only air left me as Lucius continued taking me through corridors.

What have I gotten myself into? Who was Lucius and what was going on?

A thousand questions moved through me and my emotions got the better of me, yet I held it all in because of Owen.

He was so happy that I was awake. I don't want to ruin his joy by starting up a panel of questions that could prove to be disturbing to Owen.

I waited till we got to wherever he was taking me to but I made sure to take a mental note of every passageway and corridor we took. In case it turned out that my fears were right and Lucius was in some sort of cult, then I would run away with Owen.

I had to do it. The poor kid was innocent. He didn't deserve
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