
Chapter 4

Instinctively I stumbled back, crashing into the door and beginning to hyperventilate, Kayla screaming at me to run, though not to him as I had imagined she would. She knew from the look in his eyes that he would not be a loving mate, he would be controlling and cruel just as mother said, she wanted badly to reject him right there, but without his name and the name of his pack, we could not.

He took a step forward before seeming to realise what he was doing and stopping in his tracks, his voice confused and tense. “Who are you?” He asked.

Instead of answering his question I asked one of my own, silent tears sliding down my cheeks as I searched those before me through my hair, knowing they wouldn’t see the odd colour of my eyes nor my freckled face through my thick hair.

“Is she dead?” I asked, my voice was barely above a whisper, though I knew each of them had heard me from the looks of confusion. “My mother.” I elaborated. “She didn’t come home, is she dead?”

The beta’s face changed into something that echoed understanding, though his voice remained cold. “Yes. We came across her in the night. She fought bravely.”

I nodded once before turning towards the alpha, praying that my next words came out with the strength I needed. “Have we encroached on your territory alpha?”

He tilted his head to the side, his black eyes examining me, but once again it was the beta who spoke. “No. We were tracking some rogues that had kidnapped a few children from our pack, this land belongs to no one. It is neutral ground.”

I nodded again, “then I ask that you leave me in peace. I have done nothing to you or your pack.”

The alpha growled, causing me to jump. “You are a rogue.”

Another man spoke, stepping forward, he was identical to the alpha, though much smaller and seemingly younger. “How old are you?”

I tensed, I was trying hard not to collapse to my knees and sob for the loss of my mother, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep it together. My heart was breaking and Kayla was howling mournfully in my head. “I’m seventeen.”

“Why are you out here?” He asked, though I knew he would rather be asking how I became a rogue. It was unusual to be raised without a pack according to mother, but we had managed just fine.

“We… I mean, my mother used to live here with me. I guess…” my voice broke, my shoulders shaking as grief had begun to overwhelm me. “I’m alone.”

The alpha took another step forward, though he had no sympathy on his face, nor kindness towards me, it was like I was already a burden to him. “You will come with us, mate.”

I shook my head, noticing that his face instantly twisted in anger at my refusal. “Th-this is my home, I-I don’t want to leave.” I stuttered, wrapping my arms around my self and lowering my head further.

“It wasn’t a question.” Growled the Alpha, his voice cold.

“I will not go with you.” I said slowly, “why would I go anywhere with the creature that killed my mother?”

He growled again, the sound causing each wolf around him to bare their neck in submission, but not me, I stood tall, watching him through my hair. “Your mother was a filthy rogue and she deserved to die.”

“Who are you to decide that?!” I screamed, shaking from anger and no longer from grief. “She was a peaceful and loving woman, but you didn’t even give her a chance! Just because she didn’t want to have a pack life does not mean she deserved to die! She didn’t want to be around monsters like you!” I was panting now, Kayla growling furiously within me, angered that he would dare speak about her like that. “You are nothing but a bully! I don’t want to go with you, I don’t want you to be my mate!”

The beta and the wolf who I assumed was his brother were looking at me with wide eyes, but it was an unknown voice that spoke up, the voice slow and confused. “Her eyes. Look at her eyes.”

I tensed, shocked and appalled at myself for making such a stupid mistake, in my anger I had looked up and my hair had uncovered my face. I had shown them my anomaly, I had shown them what mother wanted to remain hidden. My heart hurt as it threatened to rip from my chest, panic consuming me and the looks of confusion quickly changed to something that resembled awe.

Like me, the alpha was shaking, though instead of fear, it was anger. He was furious that I dared speak to him in such a manner. “It was not a question, you will come with us. You are mine.”

I shook my head, glancing at the eleven beings around me and searching for a opening, a gap that I could slip through and escape. Though their was none, I stood there vulnerable in only a dress, no shoes and no coat, even with my warm blood I would freeze out in the wilderness, winter was fast approaching and I would be all alone.

“N-no.” I suffered, my anger leaving me as quickly as it had arrived, leaving me with only sadness and fear.

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