
Chapter 18 – At All Cost


"I'll share my energy with her to keep my pups alive."

I stalked into the ritual chamber, my mind made up. I had to save Lyra and my unborn pups, no matter the cost. The healers wheeled Lyra in on a stretcher, her face pale and body unnaturally still.

"Bring her here," I commanded gruffly. "I'm going to share my alpha energy to keep them alive."

As the healers positioned Lyra in the center of the sacred circle, Kira stepped forward, concern etched on her weathered features.

"My lord, you know the risks of such a transference," she said gravely. "Damien tried to steal your power before. He betrayed your trust in the most unforgivable way."

I flinched at the reminder of Damien's treachery. The memory still stung like an open wound. But I pushed it aside - my pups' lives hung in the balance here.

"I don't care about the risks," I growled. "I can't let them perish when my bloodline's future depends on it."

Kira's gaze shifted to Lyra. "There is...something else you should know abo
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