

With the first rays of dawn peeking through the heavy curtains, casting a soft glow across the room, Evelyn found herself unable to sleep a wink, her mind consumed by worry and fear. Reluctantly, she forced herself out of the luxurious bed, feeling like a fish out of water in such an extravagant setting.

A gentle knock on the door shattered the silence, and before she could respond, a young woman in a crisp uniform entered, carrying a tray with breakfast. She placed it on a small table by the window and offered Evelyn a polite nod.

“Good morning, Miss Winters. Mr. Salvatore asked me to ensure your comfort. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“Thank you,” Evelyn murmured, her voice barely audible.

The maid departed silently, leaving Evelyn alone with her swirling thoughts once more. She approached the table and mechanically nibbled on a piece of toast, though her appetite was nonexistent. Her mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of her father and Rylee. She needed assurance that they were safe.

A sudden knock on the door made her jump, and this time, it was one of Julian’s men. Tall and imposing, he wore a stern expression as he delivered his message.

“Mr. Salvatore wishes to see you,” he announced.

Evelyn nodded, her heart pounding as she followed him through the labyrinthine corridors of the mansion. They arrived at Julian’s office, a somber room adorned with dark wood furniture and towering bookshelves. Julian sat behind a massive desk, his gaze icy and calculating.

“Evelyn, please take a seat,” he instructed, gesturing to a chair opposite him.

She complied, attempting to steady her trembling hands as she met his unwavering gaze.

“I understand this situation is challenging for you,” Julian began, his tone measured. “But your family’s debt must be settled, and you agreed to the terms.”

“I know,” Evelyn replied softly. “I just want assurance that my father and sister are safe.”

Julian’s demeanor softened slightly, though his eyes remained guarded. “Your father is receiving the best care, and my men are diligently searching for your sister. She will be located soon.”

His words offered little comfort, but Evelyn had no choice but to trust him, if only for the time being.

“I will comply with your request,” she affirmed, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. “Just please, ensure their safety.”

Julian nodded in acknowledgment. “You are expected to attend a dinner tonight with some of my associates. Make sure you are presentable.”

With that, their meeting concluded, and Evelyn returned to her room, feeling more trapped than ever. Yet, she understood the necessity of playing along if she hoped to safeguard her family.

As the day progressed, she busied herself with preparations for the dinner, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival. Uncertain of what lay ahead, Evelyn remained determined to find a way to extricate her family and herself from this harrowing ordeal.

Meanwhile, the mansion buzzed with activity as maids and chefs hustled through the corridors, meticulously attending to their duties. A multitude of maids, each impeccably dressed in uniform, diligently tended to the grand rooms, while skilled chefs orchestrated a culinary masterpiece in the bustling kitchen. Their synchronized movements and bustling energy underscored the gravity of the evening’s impending events.

Evelyn sat at the edge of her bed, nervously fiddling with the hem of her dress. The room around her was grand and intimidating, with high ceilings and luxurious furnishings. She had never felt so out of place in her life. The soft knock on the door startled her.

“Come in,” she called out softly.

Ava, the plump red-headed maid, entered the room with a warm smile. “You look lovely, Miss Winters,” she said, her eyes twinkling with genuine admiration.

“Thank you, Ava,” Evelyn replied, trying to muster a smile. “I feel out of place, though.”

Ava chuckled softly. “You’ll get used to it. Now, let’s finish getting you ready.”

As Ava adjusted Evelyn’s hair and makeup, Evelyn couldn’t help but ask, “What’s Julian really like? I mean, outside of... all this?” She gestured vaguely around her.

Ava paused, a thoughtful look crossing her face. “Mr. Salvatore is a complicated man. He’s in a difficult business, but he has a good heart. He helped my daughter get into a good school. He’s done a lot for people who are loyal to him.”

Evelyn’s curiosity was piqued. “That’s... surprising. I didn’t expect to hear something like that about him.”

Ava smiled gently. “There’s more to him than meets the eye, Miss Winters. But enough about that. Let’s focus on tonight. You’ll be fine.”

Evelyn took a deep breath and nodded. Ava finished her preparations and stepped back to admire her work. “There. You’re ready.”

Evelyn looked at herself in the mirror, her dark hair cascading in soft waves around her shoulders, her green eyes standing out against the simple yet elegant dress. She felt like she was stepping into a different world.


The dining room was a scene of opulence. A long, polished mahogany table stretched across the room, set with fine china and sparkling crystal glasses. Candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow over the guests as they arrived.

Evelyn was led to her seat by one of the maids. She glanced around nervously, taking in the sight of the men gathered around the table. Most were dressed in tailored suits, exuding an air of power and danger. Some had women with them, draped in designer dresses and glittering jewels, clearly there as arm candy.

Julian entered the room, and Evelyn couldn’t help but stare. He was dressed in a black suit, but the top two buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a hint of a tattoo on his chest. His steel-gray eyes scanned the room before landing on Evelyn. He looked both dangerous and irresistibly attractive.

As everyone settled into their seats, conversations began to flow. Evelyn listened in, trying to make sense of the discussions. Names and places she didn’t recognize were mentioned, and the tone was serious.

One man, Viktor Kazan, who Evelyn recognized from Ava’s description, made a snarky remark, his eyes lingering on her. “So, this is the latest acquisition, Julian? She looks like she might break if you’re not careful.”

Julian’s gaze turned icy, his eyes locking onto Viktor’s. “Evelyn is under my protection, Viktor. I’d advise you to watch your mouth.”

The tension at the table was palpable. Viktor smirked but didn’t push further. Evelyn felt a shiver run down her spine, a mix of fear and something else she couldn’t quite place.

The conversation shifted back to business. Julian and the other men discussed a new shipment coming in, potential threats from rival families, and a recent betrayal that had cost them dearly. Evelyn tried to follow along, realizing just how dangerous Julian’s world was.

As the dinner progressed, Evelyn couldn’t shake the feeling of being an outsider. She felt Julian’s protective gaze on her throughout the evening, and despite the fear and uncertainty, a small part of her felt a strange comfort in his presence.

The dining room buzzed with the final murmurs of conversation as the guests began to disperse. Evelyn tried to avoid eye contact with anyone, especially Julian, who had retreated into a corner, speaking in low tones with a few of his closest allies. The encounter with Viktor Kazan and Julian’s icy defense still played on a loop in her mind. She felt like a pawn in a game she had no control over.

As the last of the guests left, Julian approached Evelyn, his expression unreadable. “You did well tonight,” he said quietly, his grey eyes lingering on her for a moment before he turned away.

Evelyn said nothing, merely nodding stiffly. She was still cold and distant, resentful of the situation she found herself in. Julian had asked her to be his pet like she was a commodity, and no amount of occasional kindness could erase that humiliation. She found him attractive, sure, but there were no feelings beyond that.

She made her way back to her room, feeling the weight of the evening’s events pressing down on her. She barely noticed Ava standing by the door, waiting to help her undress and prepare for bed.

“Are you alright, Miss Evelyn?” Ava asked, her voice filled with concern.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Evelyn replied curtly, not in the mood for conversation. Ava helped her out of her dress, and Evelyn couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief as she changed into something more comfortable.

“Goodnight, Ava,” Evelyn said, dismissing her with a weak smile.

“Goodnight, Miss Evelyn,” Ava replied, giving her a sympathetic look before leaving the room.

As Evelyn lay in bed, she thought about her father in the hospital and hoped Rylee was safe wherever she was. She couldn’t afford to let her guard down, not in this place. She had to stay strong, for her family.

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