
the mansion

The next morning, Evelyn awoke with a sense of determination. She couldn't continue living like this, feeling trapped and powerless. She needed to find a way to escape this mansion and free herself from Julian's grip. But to do that, she needed to understand every corner of this sprawling estate.

"Good morning, Ava," Evelyn greeted the maid with a forced smile as she entered her room. "I was wondering if we could take another tour of the mansion today? I'd like to see more of the grounds."

Ava, ever cheerful, nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, Miss Evelyn. There's still so much for you to see. Shall we start now?"

Evelyn agreed, and they set off through the mansion. She kept her real intentions to herself, masking her plans with curiosity and politeness.

The mansion was a labyrinth of luxury and opulence, designed to impress and intimidate. As they walked through the corridors, Ava pointed out various features and rooms.

"This is the main living room," Ava said, opening double doors to reveal a vast space with high ceilings. Chandeliers hung from above, casting a warm glow on the richly upholstered furniture and the intricate Persian rugs that covered the marble floors. The walls were adorned with original paintings and gold-framed mirrors that reflected the room's grandeur.

Evelyn's eyes scanned the room, noting the hidden security cameras and the discreetly placed alarm systems. This place was a fortress.

They moved on to the library, a two-story room filled with shelves that reached the ceiling, crammed with leather-bound books. A grand fireplace dominated one wall, with plush armchairs arranged around it. Julian’s desk was in one corner, covered with papers and books, hinting at his dual roles as both businessman and mafia leader.

Next was the formal dining room, where the previous night's dinner had been held. The long mahogany table could easily seat thirty people. Crystal glasses and fine china were neatly arranged, and a massive chandelier hung above, casting a glittering light over the entire room.

Ava led her to the music room, which housed a grand piano and various other instruments. "Mr. Julian is quite fond of music," Ava explained. "He often hosts small gatherings here."

They exited the mansion through a side door that led to the expansive grounds. The fresh air and open space were a stark contrast to the heavily guarded interiors.

"The gardens are truly a sight," Ava said, leading Evelyn along a cobblestone path lined with meticulously trimmed hedges and vibrant flowerbeds. There were statues and fountains strategically placed, adding to the garden's charm. In the center was a large gazebo covered in climbing roses, perfect for afternoon tea or evening gatherings.

Beyond the gardens was a large swimming pool, complete with a pool house and several lounge chairs. The water sparkled in the sunlight, and Evelyn imagined it being a place for both relaxation and discreet meetings.

As they walked further, they reached the stables, where several thoroughbred horses were housed. "Mr. Julian has a fondness for horses," Ava said. "He often goes riding in the mornings."

Next to the stables was a helipad, a reminder of the quick escapes or urgent arrivals that were part of Julian’s dangerous lifestyle.

The orchard and vineyard stretched out behind the main house, the neatly planted rows of trees and vines providing a picturesque view. It seemed almost serene, a sharp contrast to the harsh realities of mafia life.

Evelyn made mental notes of every detail—the layout, the security measures, the possible escape routes. She asked Ava innocuous questions about the mansion’s routines, all the while formulating her plan.

When they finally returned to her room, Evelyn thanked Ava sincerely. "I appreciate the tour, Ava. It’s a lot to take in."

"Of course, Miss Evelyn. If you need anything, just let me know," Ava said with a warm smile before leaving.

Evelyn sat down on the edge of her bed, her mind racing. She had seen enough to know that escaping would be a monumental task, but she was more determined than ever. She had to find a way out, not just for herself, but for her family.

As she lay down to rest, she began to devise a plan. She would have to be careful, patient, and smart. She couldn't afford any mistakes. The stakes were too high, and failure was not an option.

The next day, Evelyn continued her exploration under the guise of curiosity. She knew she had to find out more about the mansion’s security systems and routines. She spent time observing the guards, noting their shifts and patrol patterns.

She also tried to learn more about Julian’s schedule. He was often away, handling business matters, and she needed to know when he would be gone for extended periods. That would be her best chance to escape.

Evelyn wandered through the gardens, her mind racing with potential escape routes. As she approached a vine-covered wall, she paused, inspecting the thick greenery. If she could climb it, perhaps she could jump over to the other side. She reached out to test the vine's strength when a voice behind her made her jump.

"Planning an escape, Evelyn?" Julian's deep, smooth voice cut through the serene garden atmosphere.

She spun around, her heart racing, to find him standing a few feet away, his steel-gray eyes locked onto hers. He looked every bit the intimidating mafia boss, his dark hair neatly styled, a perfect contrast to his piercing eyes. He wore a tailored black suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and lean physique, the crisp white shirt underneath partially unbuttoned, revealing a glimpse of a tattoo that snaked up his chest. The sharp lines of his jaw and the subtle stubble added to his rugged charm.

"I was just… admiring the vines," she said, trying to sound casual.

Julian took a few steps closer, his expression inscrutable. "You should know there are guards all over this place. Every move you make is being watched."

"Yay, privacy," Evelyn replied sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest.

Julian's lips twitched in what almost seemed like a smile, but he quickly masked it. "It’s for your safety. You never know who might try to harm you."

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Right. And I’m sure it has nothing to do with keeping me from escaping."

Julian shrugged, his gaze unwavering. "Both, actually."

Evelyn sighed, frustration bubbling up inside her. "Why are you doing this, Julian? You're rich beyond imagination. Two million dollars is nothing to you. Why keep me here like this?"

Julian's eyes darkened slightly as he considered her question. "Debt is debt, Evelyn. It has to be repaid."

She shook her head, incredulous. "But this? Asking me to be your… pet? You could have just taken the money in some other way. This is... cruel."

Julian's expression softened ever so slightly, but his voice remained firm. "This was the easiest way. No complications, no more debts. Simple."

Evelyn scoffed. "Simple for you, maybe. For me, it's anything but."

There was a moment of silence between them, the tension palpable. Julian's gaze never wavered, but Evelyn could sense something deeper beneath his cold exterior. Before she could say anything more, he spoke again.

"You have everything you need here. Just… don't try to run. It won't end well for you."

Evelyn glared at him, her green eyes flashing with defiance. "I don't want to be here, Julian. I never asked for this."

Julian took a step closer, his presence overwhelming. "And yet, here you are. Make the best of it, Evelyn. It's the only advice I can give you."

Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving her standing there, feeling more trapped than ever. Evelyn clenched her fists, determined not to let him see how much his words affected her. She would find a way out, no matter what it took.

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