

The monitor next to her father beeped faintly as Evelyn sat on a tiny stool next to him. He was okay, but she wasn’t. She couldn’t believe what had happened twenty-four hours ago. All she knew was that her family was at risk, and she had to do something to solve this.

After her father fainted, Julian was kind enough to call an ambulance for him. Evelyn hadn’t seen him or his men since then, but she was sure they weren’t done yet.

As if on cue, a knock on the door startled her. She slowly walked to the door and opened it a little, enough for her to get a peek. She sighed in relief as she saw the nurse.

“Is everything alright?” the nurse questioned with a quizzical brow.

“Yes,” Evelyn smiled. Or at least tried to.

“Great, well. This came for you,” the nurse pulled out a crisp white envelope from her pocket.

“Thank you.”

The nurse didn’t reply and just began to check her father’s vitals. Evelyn carefully flipped the envelope, and the seal confirmed her fears. They really were not done with them. The small J in italics looked at her in a sharp, cold gaze.

She pulled out the small cream-colored paper enclosed in it. You could tell the paper was expensive with the way it smelled.

Dear Evelyn Winters,

This is a final reminder about the $2 million your father borrowed. Time is up, and there are no more excuses. You have crossed the wrong people, and now you must face the consequences. You have only one option to fix this and make up for the disrespect caused by your family. You must repay the debt by becoming my pet. There are no other choices. You must agree to this. At 9 PM tonight, my men will come to pick you up. If you refuse, things will get much worse for you. The clock is ticking, Evelyn. Make the right choice.

Expect no mercy, Julian Anderson.

Pet? What was that supposed to mean? What kind of pet?

A shiver ran through her as she read the letter over and over again, crushing the envelope. Nevertheless, she decided to worry about this later and write a letter to her father explaining where she was, and that he needn’t worry since the debt had been paid off. Of course, she didn’t mention by who or what.

Exactly at nine, a black shiny Mercedes stood in front of the hospital. She grabbed her bag of clothes that she had managed to get from her house along with other supplies and got in the car, without a word. Two men were sitting in the car, all dressed in black. The driver looked older, his stark white hair an unnoticeable contrast against his suit. The one on the left had an earpiece, and he uttered a single word when she sat in the back seat.


The ride felt like an eternity, each passing minute filled with anticipation and dread. Her mind raced with questions, but the silence of the men in the car offered no answers. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being trapped in a nightmare, unsure of what awaited her at the end of this journey.

As they finally arrived at their destination, the imposing gates of a grand mansion loomed before them. The car came to a halt, and the driver opened her door with a silent gesture. Stepping out, she couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding wash over her as she gazed up at the darkened windows of the mansion.

The two men escorted her inside without a word, their presence looming over her like silent sentinels. The interior was just as intimidating as the exterior, with lavish furnishings and dimly lit corridors that seemed to stretch on forever.

She was led to a luxurious sitting room, where Julian Salvatore awaited her. His presence commanded the room, and she couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as his cold gaze settled on her.

"Evelyn Winters," he said, his voice like ice. "I trust you received my letter."

She nodded, unable to tear her gaze away from him. His aura exuded power and danger, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was in the presence of a predator.

"You have a choice to make, Evelyn," Julian continued, his voice soft but laced with steel. "You can either accept your fate and repay your family's debt by becoming my pet, or you can face the consequences."

She swallowed hard, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Becoming his pet meant surrendering her freedom, her autonomy. But refusing meant risking the safety of her family, of herself.

"What does being your pet entail?" she finally mustered the courage to ask, her voice barely above a whisper.

Julian's lips curled into a cruel smile, sending a chill down her spine. "You will belong to me, body and soul. You will obey my every command, without question. And in return, I will ensure the safety of your family and provide for your every need."

The choice was clear, but the weight of it felt suffocating. She glanced around the room, searching for any sign of hope or escape, but found none.

With a heavy heart, she made her decision. "I accept," she whispered, the words tasting like bitter defeat on her tongue.

Julian's smile widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Welcome to your new life, Evelyn Winters. You will soon learn what it means to be mine."

As his words hung in the air, she couldn't help but wonder what dark path she had just embarked upon. But one thing was certain – there was no turning back now.

They led her to a big, fancy room in the mansion. It looked like something out of a movie, with fancy curtains and shiny gold decorations everywhere. The bed was huge, like something from a princess story.

But even surrounded by all this luxury, she couldn't shake the feeling of worry and fear inside her. She kept thinking about her dad in the hospital, hoping he was okay without her there to take care of him.

And then there was Rylee, her sister. She hoped she was safe, away from the Mafia and their scary leader.

Tears filled her eyes as she thought about the tough times ahead. But she promised herself that she would do anything to protect her family, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness.

Feeling lost and scared, she lay down on the bed, trying to find some comfort in the soft blankets. But sleep wouldn't come, and she was left with nothing but uncertainty and fear for what the future held.

All she could do was wait and hope for a better tomorrow, even in the midst of this dark and uncertain night.

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