
117-Déjá Vu?


Déjà Vu.

It hit me even harder than the pelting rain as we ran through the forest. The feeling of familiarity came from knowing I’ve been in this same situation before with the rain serving as the only variable. The hand gripping mine tightly and pulling me, my racing heart as I followed him into the unknown while trying to keep the same pace, and the imminent threat to both our lives which was not far behind us as we ran—I’ve seen it all before.

It was just like the first day I met him(well, a different version of him but I didn’t even know that then and now that I do, I couldn’t stop my brain from replaying the previous scene in my head), and he practically ran away with me while I was still wearing the dress that signified my innocence that would have been punctured by Alpha Tauren if Alpha Rex hadn’t showed up.

It was the day my fate changed upon meeting him and so it was a given that even in this dangerous moment, it was all I could think about. That and the way my he
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