
Forty Five

Lucian's POV

As the battle ended, I stood with my Beta and some of my trusted men, analysing the situation. The enemy wolves had been taken care of, but we had lost some of our own in the process. It was a hard-earned victory, but a victory nonetheless. We needed to ensure that we were prepared for any retaliation from the enemy.

I turned to my Beta, "Give me a rundown of the battle."

He stepped forward, "Sir, we came in from the south and took them by surprise. Our warriors flanked them from both sides, and we were able to push them back. It was a fierce battle, but we managed to overpower them."

I nodded, "Casualties?"

"Eight dead and twenty-three wounded, sir," he replied.

I sighed, "We'll take care of our own. Make sure they get the proper treatment."

As we were discussing the next steps, one of my men came up to me and whispered something in my ear. I felt a chill run down my spine as I listened to him. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him
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