
Book Updates

I wanted to leave a quick note about the updates of this book. The Alpha's Human Seer is one of the firsts books in a large universe called The Dark Essence. It will be spread across five initial series and they all intertwine in some ways. While writing this book I have realised that part of this book will reveal spoilers for the other book I am writing right now (Alpha Hybrid Queen). At present, this book is two months ahead in the timeline to that book. 

My concern, and main reason for slowing down on updates is the spoilers. The Dark Moon pack meantioned in this book is the main pack in Alpha Hybrid Queen. In hindsight I should have strated that book first. 

So my plan going forward is to update this book once a week. This should give me time to get working on Alpha Hybrid Queen (which is a longer book) and get it finished enough in time for this book to be back on daily updates starting April. 

I promise this book will be finished (hoping by the end of April), but in the mean time feel free to start on Alpha Hybrid Queen, as it really is the catalyst for the whole world (although each book can be read as a stanadlone too)

Thank you for your understanding.

Aisling Elizabeth Author.

Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Aisling Elizabeth
Just a quick note, I’ve had a bad week health wise so haven’t had the spoons to write. I’m feeling better so should have a chapter in the next few days
goodnovel comment avatar
Aisling Elizabeth
It’s small crossovers. And there are a few more. Isabella has her own series and so will Jake.
goodnovel comment avatar
*reading not ready, stupid autocorrect

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