
Chapter 35


Have you ever had that feeling that you’ve made the wrong decision, and that something bad was going to happen?

Well I had that feeling in spades right now.

Natalie had resorted to actually physically dragging me towards the house.

“Come on Cole, it won’t be that bad,” she tried.

“It is already,” I said, listening to the loud music booming out of the house in front of us.

“Look,” she said, suddenly turning to face me and grabbing both of my hands, “I promise that I’ll not leave you on your own, and if after an hour you still hate it, we’ll leave. Deal?”

I wanted to scream ‘Hell No!’ and run in the opposite direction, but I knew that wasn’t being fair. Natalie was trying her best with me, and so it was only fair that I did the same.

“An hour?” I repeated, just to make sure.

“Yes, an hour,” she replied.

“Ok, it’s a deal,” I said, holding out my hand for her to shake.

Natalie broke out into a grin and shook my hand before linking her arm with mine.

I took a deep breath as we enter
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