
In bed with a stranger


I lay almost unconsciously on the bed. From the moment I slept off the previous night, I was yet to get up.

Still asleep on the bed, tiny rays of the sun crept through the glass windows and made their way to my eyes. Slowly, my eyes opened. I tried to move my body but it would not budge. I felt paralyzed. When I opened my eyes, I felt a pound in my head. It ached so badly that I felt my head would eventually fall off. I must have had a lot to drink last night.

"Mmmh!" I stretched my length on the bed and pushed myself up.

That was when I saw the man lying beside me. At that point, I felt my heart skip. What did I get myself into last night? In that instant, I broke off the paralysis holding me down. The sudden movement caused my head to strain.

"Ah," I muttered softly while grabbing my head.

When I finally got on my feet and observed properly, it dawned on me I had had my first sex with a total stranger. I had had a one-night stand with a face I had never seen, not even once in my entire life. I covered my face in shame. Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would open up my legs for a person I barely knew to slide in.

The events of the night began to play like a tape record in my head. I had a few bottles to drink. Then, the strip dance followed. I could remember the incident with the pervert that led to the savior I ended up with.

After a few minutes, I was dressed. Lucky enough for me, he had grabbed the clothes I took off last night. Staring at him, he looked charming. His muscular physique made him look like a model from the movies. Maybe he was one. Who knows? Judging from how he acted last night, I would not doubt if he was influential.

"Hmm!" I exhaled tiredly and turned to leave. However, just when I was about to walk away, my eyes caught something enchanting on the table.

I walked to it. A bracelet, very simple yet screamed ecstasy. Merely looking at it, I had the urge to make it mine. But doing that would make me a thief, right? Yeah. Walking away would be the best thing to do at this point.

"Kill the urge, Kayla," I said to myself softly. "Kill it. You're not a thief."

I already acted like a stripper, thanks to the few bottles of alcohol I took last night. Taking this bracelet would somehow add theft to my portfolio in just a space of some hours.

I turned away and headed for the door. Just when I was about to pull it open and walk away, the urge came again. Okay. Let's just take it. I traced my steps back to it and grabbed it. The innocent savior was still sleeping soundly. I had to tell him. I walked to his bedside carefully and spoke in a low tone.

"Mr stranger," I said in a low tone, almost a whisper, close to his ears, “I am super grateful for all you have done. But permit me to have your bracelet, okay? Let it remind me of the moment I lost my virginity."

I felt better after saying that. It would not have to weigh a lot on my conscience that I took it without the owner's consent. With that, I left the hotel room. On going home, I had thoughts flying through my mind. After what Adire did to me, how would she face me? If I had the luxury, I would run far away from everyone. Adire and her mom, Kate, were living punishments for me.

On getting home, I was met with a sight I could not understand. Scattered about were my clothes and bags. Who would do such a thing?

"What the heck is going on here? What are my clothes doing out here?"

Standing at the entrance was Adire. On seeing her, the pictures of her and Diego flashed through my thoughts. But I wouldn't let the memory prevail this time. I shut my eyes and swallowed the anger that was building. Calmly, I gathered my clothes and packed them well. Then, I made my way to the entrance.

"And where do you think you are going, bitch?"

Bitch? I kept my cool. It was just a tempting situation.

"Leave my way, Adire. Just get out of the way."

She laughed hysterically. " And what would you do? Can't you see how miserable you are? You stink of misery, bitch! Get the hell away. This place is no longer your home. "

I gnashed my teeth. I would not stay put anymore. Not after what I saw yesterday. Adire has pushed me to the limits.

"And who are you to say that?" I fired back. " I am the alpha princess Kayla. You have no right to throw me out. And if you don't get out, I'll make you. "

She laughed mockingly. "A loser like you can't scare a fly. I'm so scared, Kayla. I'm scared."

I couldn't take it anymore. I tried to push myself in. However, my stepmom came from nowhere and pushed so hard that I fell flatly, scratching my skin on the ground.

"Argh!" I groaned in pain. " Why are you doing this to me?"

"There's no place for a whore in this family!" Kate fired at me. "If you're a stripper, you know where to be!"

Stripper? I'm no stripper.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about this!!" She shoved her phone at me. Right on the screen was a video of a stripper dancing in a bar. But it was not a stripper. That was me. My heart sank.

How did that get online? I sprang to my feet.

"I can explain. It's not as it seems, Mom."

"Mom?" They both laughed at me. " She called me mom. In your miserable life," she said to me, her tone very stern, “don't call me that. Your whore of a mother is in the grave. A loser birthed a loser."

Tears rolled down my cheeks. What did I do to deserve this? Was I a loser?

"Now, get out. We don't want you bringing shame to this household anymore. If you have nowhere to go, join your miserable mother in the grave!!"

They walked in and shut the door. I felt devastated. My life was ruined. I had nowhere else to go.

"Mom," I said tearfully, “life has beat me down again. And this time, I don't think I can stand again."

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