


It has already been a couple of days since the incident. But I could not endure the pain. Diego hurt me beyond what I could imagine. He didn't mean it. He couldn't have ordered them to throw me out like that. As much as I forced myself not to believe all of it was real, I knew it was.

The grin, that devilish grin, that was on the face of Adire as I was being hoisted away played with my thoughts. No matter how much I tried, I could not get rid of the pain. I made up my mind. I would go and confront Diego. I needed answers to all the questions in my head. A few moments later, I was striding through the hallway that led to Diego's chamber.

My heart knew no peace. The last time I was in this pack, it was hurtful and heartbreaking. But this time, there's anger and pain in me.

 "Diego…you can't get away from this," I muttered. However, the closer I got, my ears began to pick strange signals— moans, groans of pleasure, heated breaths— all were coming to my ears. What the fuck was going on? I shook my head at the sounds. None of it was real. I continued walking.

 "Ugh!" I heard a voice moan loudly. That voice… I knew it. It was one I would not mistake even in my dream.


"Ugh!" The voice came again. "Harder, Diego! I love you! Urgh! Urg!"  

My legs froze entirely. I could not move. That was Adire.

Maybe I was imagining things again. With a sudden surge of energy, I pulled the hinge on the door and dashed in. Then, my entire world came to a pause. Time ceased for me. What did I just see? Adire had her back arched on the bed and her ass shoved against the groin of Diego. He was thrusting in and out of her vagina.

 "Di..ego," I struggled to speak a word.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I heard him ask me in a harsh tone. "Why.. why are you? doing this?"

"Doing what?" He asked and pulled out of her. With his cock fully exposed, he stood and chuckled at me.

"You mean having sex with Adire," he chuckled again. "Was I supposed to do it with you? You have always bluffed about being a virgin. You can keep that shit to yourself."  

His words were like darts fired at me. I did nothing to deserve this. "You gave me your word. Why did.. you deceive me?"  

"Don't tell me you believed those lies," he replied. "They were too petty for you to have fallen for them."  

I dabbed at my tears and struggled to hold back the tears that tried to push out.

 "Why.. why are you doing this?" I asked again.

"What, exactly?" He scoffed. "You mean not rejecting you sooner, right?" He asked tauntingly.

Adire laughed hysterically. "She's as dumb as her miserable mother."  

My heart was breaking apart. I could feel my sanity pushing to let go of me. Tears began to roll down my cheeks.

 "An Alpha prince and an Alpha princess would make sense, huh?" He scoffed. "But certainly not with a dejected princess. You don't expect me to be with you when you are a loser."

 "You can't… you can't do this to me," I said in a tearful tone.  "I was only with you out of pity. You are too dumb to reign with me. You mean nothing to anyone. You are as good as dead!"  

At this point, it was difficult to even speak. Tears had clogged up my throat.

 "I. I love you," I croaked out. He burst out into hysterical laughter.

He was mocking me. With a glare in his eyes, he said, "I hate you!"  Broken and devastated, I stormed out. In the next couple of moments, I was drooling over bottles of alcohol. I just wanted to drink my pain away.

With every bottle, anger replaced my despair. I was angry at Diego for letting me down. I was mad at my stepsister and stepmom. They made life tough. And finally, I was angry at myself for being stupid. I would drink it all away.  

After a few more bottles, I could feel a different energy. I staggered out of my chair and mounted the podium of the beer parlor.

The music was luring. My waist began to whine. I was high and I loved it. My sorrows were gone. Not just that, but my clothes too. I had stripped before everyone, dancing in my underwear. Amid my reverie, I could see a figure approaching me. I could tell he was feeling my moves.

His body too seemed to move in rhythm with the flashing red and blue lights of the pub. He danced alongside me and gently pulled my waist against his groin. Does he think I'm a stripper? Damn it.

I pulled out of his grip gently and continued dancing. But he kept getting close. I just wanted a moment for myself. Why was he trying to harass me? After a few more rejected attempts, I felt his hands around my bursts. What the heck?! I was drunk but still a bit sane.

He was getting aggressive. "Get your hands off me?!" I yelled amidst the loud sounds while trying hard to loosen his palms locked on my boobs. It was not working. He was too strong to break free from.

Perhaps, I had had too much alcohol to break free from him. "Stay still, bitch! Don't fight it. I want you!" I was screwed.

His hands were squeezing the life out of my breasts. My little moment had been ruined. Maybe I was lousy, after all. Was Diego right about me? If I wasn't clumsy, I would be able to break free from him.  

When I raised my gaze, I saw another figure walking up to the podium. His steps were firm and his height was intimidating. Was he coming for me too? Damn it! I was finished.

At that point, I shut my eyes and drew in a deep breath. Without warning, the manly figure freed me from my captor's grip. I looked at him. His eyes were deep and mean. I somehow loved it.

He threw a glance at me before turning to the pervert. In a split second, he sent him crashing on the podium. Who was that? He had so much strength. I watched in anticipation.

I was expecting a fierce fight to unfold. But my expectations were cut short. When the pervert gazed upon the face of his adversary, I saw his face go cold. He dropped to his knees and shivered like a baby.

 "Alpha Zeus Ludendorff!!" I heard him say reverently. "Pardon me."  

Without uttering a word, the fiery figure cut the musical wires with his claws and made everywhere tranquil.

I looked in awe. It was a lovely sight. Everyone turned their attention to the podium. Despite having my undies alone, I was less concerned. I was caught in the web of the mystery guy.  

"I want this piece of rotten garbage out of this place and never to return!!"  

I chuckled. "Who was he to call such shots in a place like this?" I thought to myself. But I was rather shocked. People came from nowhere and bundled the pervert away. Could he be the owner here? That could be the only explanation for this madness.

He was powerful and commanded authority. I was grateful he saved me. But I was more curious.

With a last glance at me, he turned to walk away. "Hey!" I said and belched loudly.

My breath had alcohol all over it. "Who are you?" I asked and chuckled. "What.. did he call you again?" I giggled.  

He studied me for a while and continued his walk. Where was he going? I needed to satisfy my curiosity.

"Wait for me." I tried to go after him but the weight of alcohol wouldn't let me. I could feel my world going around in circles. When I took another step, I descended with a loud thud on the ground.

Unexpectedly, he squatted close to me and his facial expression changed. Like a wolf hunting for food, he began to sniff in the air. Just before I drained into unconsciousness, his lips moved and he let that word I thought I would never hear, out. Mate!"

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