
The Alpha’s Slaved Stripper
The Alpha’s Slaved Stripper
Author: Authoress. Chi

Stabbed in the back


"What if you choose someone else as your Luna?" I suddenly asked.

The traces of excitement that were on my face slowly faded into the dark, as a wave of anxiety blew across me. I was suddenly scared of what could happen. Diego's face dissolved into a confused pool.

"What?" He asked. "What if I choose someone else? Are you kidding me?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm not. I do not know why I feel scared about us, Diego. What if you change your mind?"

He lowered his head, trying to create eye contact. "Listen, Kayla," he placed his hands on my shoulders and heaved a sigh. "I will only leave you for another and clearly, there is no other person in the picture. If there is any other person, the picture will be ruined. It's you, just you, Kayla."

I said nothing in response to his words. Diego and I have been together for a long while. He is my mate and has the key to my soul. I had no idea why I was suddenly set on edge over the upcoming event.

Tonight, he will be choosing the Luna he will reign with over his pack, the shallow valley pack. He is not the Alpha king yet. But owing to his father's deteriorating state, he was on his way to be crowned Alpha king. But before that, he needed a person that would be his Luna. That should be me. Nothing would beat the union of an Alpha princess and an Alpha prince. But somehow, I felt uneasy about the whole thing.

He cupped my face and smiled so dearly at me. "You are just jealous of someone who doesn't exist."

Was I? My instincts didn't want to let go. My eyes were just dull and seemed to be deep down in anxiety.

"You are the only one for me," he declared convincingly. "There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can come between us. What more could I want when both packs could watch each other's backs?" He paused and said, "You, Kayla, are the only one for me. And nothing can change that."

On hearing that, my heart suddenly came to life. A warm grin crossed my face. I felt reassured again that nothing could go wrong. I have waited for this moment for longer than I could remember.

My name is Kayla, an Alpha princess of the Wonder power pack. After the mysterious demise of my parents, I was made to go through hell at the hands of Kate, the witch I called my stepmom, and her wicked daughter, Adire. I was supposed to lead the pack but the spotlight was taken from me.

Though tonight, my redemption would come. With my new status, I can save my pack from the hands of my stepmom and her daughter.

"I love you, Diego," I said from a heart that meant every word of the statement.

"I love you, Kayla," he replied with a cute smile on his face.

He pulled me closer and absorbed my whole lips in a mouthwatering kiss. While the moment lasted, the worm in my heart could not stop wobbling. What if, just what if, tonight doesn't turn out the way I have always wished for? What would be my fate?

Later that night, just a few hours from my moment with Diego, I arrived at the grand pack hall of the shallow valley pack where everything was going to take place tonight. I stood at the back and watched as everything unfolded. I could not wait for the moment to come. It would be more glorious if I walked from the back through the crowd till I got to the front where he was. For this reason, I made sure to dress in my most charming dress. A black dress that was tight on every corner, a heel that accentuated my elegance, and a couple of matching pieces of jewelry made me look fit for a majestic walk. I was only waiting for the moment.

"Shadow Valley," I heard Diego say to everyone, "please, welcome the one I have chosen."

He gestured that the person should walk through the crowd. I grinned broadly where I was. Nothing beats the feeling of being loved and respected in this manner.

"I'm coming, Diego," I muttered under my breath.

With a knowing smile on my face, I started walking to him. But while my face was straight and fixed on him, I could sense a movement on the next column. Someone was walking in that direction too, maybe even faster than I was. I looked. It was Adire, my stepsister. Confusion hit me from every corner and I stopped.

What was she doing here? Why was she walking towards the podium? She had nothing to do with him, so why? She wouldn't possibly try to steal my position. No way. The thought of it fueled my legs and I started moving again. This time, more swiftly. I walked straight to Diego and pretended as if I didn't notice my sister approaching behind. I just needed to have what was rightfully mine.

"Diego," I said in a low tone with a grin on my lips.

He returned my smile and spread his arms. Yes! That was it. He would embrace me tightly while everyone watched.

Nothing would be more beautiful than that. I spread my arms too to receive the hug. But the most shocking thing happened to me. He brushed his body against mine as he walked past me. In that instant, my whole body froze completely. I was praying and hoping that it wasn't what I was thinking. My fears…. they were crawling back to me. Oh, my world. What in the world was happening?

I turned sluggishly to see Diego embracing my sister so dearly that every corner of her boobs pressed against his chest. My heart was shaking so violently that I felt it would explode.

"Di..ego," I muttered amidst the pain in my heart.

He ignored me, acting like I wasn't there at all. While I still watched, he cupped her face and started kissing her passionately. The crowd was cheering. Shame was my portion. I couldn't even move. Why? Why would he do this to me?

When he was done, he turned to me. That was not my Diego. The look in his eyes was full of hate and disgust.

"What… is going on, Diego?" I stuttered.

He gnashed his teeth strongly and said, "I, Diego, Alpha prince of the shallow valley pack, reject you, Kayla, the outcast of the Wonder power pack, as my mate."

I felt my whole world crumbling down. Diego just rejected me in front of the crowd.

As if that was not enough, he growled loudly. "What are you waiting for?! Drag this bitch out of this place!"

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