
Meeting the devil


I was transfixed at a spot. It felt as if I had been injected with a paralysis poison. I fought hard to see if it was a mere dream. Who knows, I might just be sleepwalking. It was not real. It didn't have to be. Alpha Zeus Ludendorff flashed his eyes at me. Those deep eyes of his seemed to be staring right into my soul. He was not bothered by my presence.

"Alpha… Alpha Zeus Ludendorff," I said in a shaky tone.

He said nothing. He simply pulled out of the whore and pushed his cock into his tight boxers. Then, he turned to me. For a while, I forgot that I was in shock of what I saw. My eyes at that point were glued on the cock that seemed to be desperately fighting to escape the prison of the boxers. The tip was visible through the corner. It was that long.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me in a firm tone. "And why didn't you knock , at least?"

Hearing him speak, I was drawn back to my reality. The lady he was with curled herself and looked at me in a manner that cle
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