
First Thing Tomorrow


Things happened so fast and I didn't meet Wang Jie the next day. I couldn't because I was on an IV drip. Each time I had breaks, I would go to the hospital to see Myles and by extension, Hao. He served me quite well also.

By the fourth day, I was okay already and I prepared for a meeting with Jie. I told Myles to stay behind. I wouldn't have him follow me around with a cast on his arm and a wrapped head.

I got to Wang's villa and once again, he asked me to have breakfast with him. This time, I tried out different delicacies and they turned out to be really nice.

After that, we got to business.

"Mr. Damon Mackay, it's a shame that I have to announce to you that your accident was caused by one of the top families here in Sichuan. A competitor." He started with that and I didn't say a word and just let him land.

"Word got out through one of the workers here that you would be signing a huge contract with us and they probably got jealous and decided to harm you so that the col
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