
Chapter 41


"What is taking Mum so long?" Claire asked me for the fifth time in three hours and I am starting to worry, I have tried calling Liv countless times but it's not going through.

"I don't know," I said shaking my head and She clenched her stomach pouting.

"I'm so hungry, Can I eat some of those?" Claire asked me pointing at the basket I brought and I nodded wondering why I didn't think of that in the first place.

"Yes darling," I said smiling at her and she immediately grabbed the basket and started munching on a cupcake, I had gotten it from a nice bakery everyone was talking about on social media.

She moaned closing her eyes and my mouth watered I wanted to try some too.

"Where is Olivia?" A frail voice asked and I snapped my head in the direction only to see Olivia's mum staring back at me.

"Oh! She went to get food for Claire, She will be back soon ma'am" I said standing up to meet her.

"Mia" Olivia's mum suddenly said.

"Pardon?" I asked confused looking back at Claire
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