
Chapter 28: Found out the truth

Lucas arrived at his destination and the gates slowly opened as the guards recognized the car.

Ignoring the greetings from the guards, he drove the car past the gates, and soon after, he parked it in front of the warehouse.

Upon getting down, he was met by Spider who had been waiting for his arrival.

"Has everything been taken care of?" Lucas asked, referring to the men he had ordered them to kill.

"Yes sir, everything has been taken care of," Spider answered and Lucas started to walk into the building. The building looked like a warehouse outside, but only those who walked there actually knew that it wasn’t. Hence, the reason why it was located on the outskirt of the city where it wasn't easy for anyone to access.

It was Lucas’ den for torturing those who crossed him. No one who had made it there ever made it out alive. Lucas let Spider lead to the way to where his special prisoner was being kept.

Spider could feel the dangerous aura Lucas emitted and he could tell it was going to
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