
Chapter Eight

I gulped as the doctor gave me all the instructions for what to do and what not to do. I was barely listening because I was panicking at the prospect of carrying not one but two kids inside me. “Aria you need to be careful. Follow a proper diet and make sure you are taking your prenatals properly, okay?” 

“Okay, doctor I will,” I said. After that Bella and I walked out of her office. Bella was talking nonstop about what to do next. But I was barely paying any attention as I was panicking over how I was going to do this alone and that too in my father’s house. 

As we reached the entrance of the hospital we were greeted by the last people I wanted to see right now. I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed Nicolas and Ava standing outside the hospital talking about something. But they stopped talking as soon as they saw me. 

“Look if it isn't a cheating whore.” Ava sneered looking at me. I glared at her. 

“Ava you don’t know shit so I would suggest you stay the fuck away from me.” I snapped having enough of her shit. 

“Aria! How dare you talk to me like that.” She walked towards me and stood inches away. “You are a low-class bitch who only knows how to trap rich guys.” 

“Hey, how dare you.” Bella tried to remove Ava’s hand from me. 

“Hey, stay out of this. Or you are going to regret it.” She threatened.

“Nicolas, are you going to let her talk to me like that when you know that is not true.” I looked at Nico who was looking at all the drama unfolding with a cold expression. 

“What do you want me to say she isn’t wrong, now is he? You are a lying cheating whore who only knows how to trap rich guys,” Nicolas smirked. My heart cracked in my chest hearing him talk like that to me. 

“Nico, you know that's not true. I loved you with all my heart and I never used you for your money.” I said as tears spilt from my eyes. 

“Shut up bitch. We all saw what kind of a woman you are sleeping with so many men for money. How can you even look at yourself in the mirror.” Ava said as she slapped me across my face and looked at me with a disgusted expression. 

I froze for a moment. I blinked as I held my cheek. Did she really slap me right now? Tears gathered in my eyes. I turned and looked at Nicolas. He looked at me with cold indifference, almost bored. “You are nothing but a low life.” She gripped my hand tightly.

“You don’t know anything about me. Just stay away and leave me alone.” I tried to rip my hand out of her hold. But the next second she fell with a loud shriek as if I had pushed her.

“Oh my god! Nico my legs.” She cried out clutching her leg. NIco immediately went towards her.

“Ava, are you okay?” He inspected her leg. 

“Nico, my leg, I think it is sprained, I can't move it. It hurts a lot, Nico.” She left her leg clutched his jacket lapels and wailed loudly.

“It’s okay. Let's take you to the doctor.” He tried to help her up. But being the good actress she is she cried out loud. 

“Nico, no I can’t. It hurts a lot. I don't think I can stand up.” She said, Nicolas carefully lifted her and turned towards me. 

“You will regret this. Guards don’t let her leave until I come.” Nico threatened. As he walked away his guards came and started dragging me towards his care.

“No, let me go. stop.” I struggled against the huge guy's hold but he just dragged and threw me in the back seat of the car and locked the door.

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