
Chapter Seven

It was a week after the anniversary and I am currently in my office bathroom trying to control my breathing as I have just puked my guts out for the fourth time since morning.

“Are you okay in there Aria?” Bella, my friend asked in concern. I washed my face and slowly made my way out of the bathroom. Bella approached and placed a hand on my forehead. “Aria, you’ve been like this since the past week. You are going to the hospital today and I don't know what excuses you make, you are going, that's it.” 

“I think it’s time I need to go to the hospital. Tomorrow I have a meeting with Mr. Lorenzo and I can’t go on like this.” I said as we started walking towards our cubicles. 

“Thank god! Let's go now Since we don’t have any work.” I nodded and we both collected our things  after informing our manager we left for the hospital.

In the hospital Bella and I wait patiently in the waiting area for my turn. “Aria Williams.” I stood up and walked inside the examination room.

Inside, a pretty doctor sat with a smile on her face. “Welcome Aria. How are you today? Please have a seat.” She asked. I smiled and sat in one of the chairs present there. 

“I'm good, doctor. Except for heaving my guts out everyday everything is good.” I smiled. The doctor shook her head with a small smile.

“Okay let me do a few tests on you and we can see what is wrong with you okay.” I nodded. The doctor had taken my blood and urine to test and told me to wait. As Bella and I waited for the result to come back, I saw two familiar figures walking in to the hospital. 

I squinted my eyes to make sure I'm seeing right. “What is Nicolas doing here? And that with that bitch.” Bella growled. But I just stared at how cosy and intimate they looked, with her arm hooked on his elbow as she smiled while he looked down at her. 

They walked towards the other side of the building and I heaved a sigh of relief that I don't have to deal with them. “I don't know what is happening, why is all this happening? All I know is some are trying to ruin my life.” I shook my head defeated.

Soon our wait was over and the doctor called me into her office. Bella and I went in together. “Please have a seat, both of you.” The doctor had a strained smile. My hackles raised at her expression.

“Is everything alright doctor?” I asked nervously. 

“Yeah yeah everything is fine no need to worry.” I exhaled a relieved breath.

“Then what is the problem doctor?” Bella asked, placing a hand on my bouncing knee.

“Aria I will just get right to the point. You are pregnant. All the symptoms you–” I didn't hear anything after the word pregnant. I was frozen in my spot. I heard Bella gasp beside me but it felt like I was hearing it from far away.



“ARIA!!” I felt someone shake my shoulders. I turned to look at Bella who was looking at me with concern. “Aria, babe you look sick are you alright?”

“Huh!” I mumbled. 

“Are you alright?” She asked again.

“Yes yes I'm alright.” I shook my head with a choked laugh. “You are joking, right doctor. There is no way I'm pregnant.” I chuckled, looking at her pleadingly to tell me she is joking. 

The doctor sighed. “I'm not joking Aria, you're pregnant.” Tears pooled in my eyes immediately. Why? Why do these things happen to me? I can feel my usual anxiety and panic attack surfacing. 

I can feel the walls around me closing on me, making it harder to breathe.

Bella reached forwards and held my hand tightly. “Shh.. it's okay Aria calm down. You're having a panic attack.” She sat in front of me on her knees. “Look at me. Follow my breathing in and out. Yes, just like that good girl in and out.”

After a few more breaths my anxiety subsided. “Are you alright Aria?” The doctor asked with a sympathetic voice. No I'm not. I wanted to scream but I remained calm.

“Yes.” I said.

“Okay, as I said you are pregnant. And the symptoms you were having were because of that.” I nodded absentmindedly. “Since we can't determine how long you are, we need to do a sonogram and see how everything is. Do you want to have a sonogram?”

Do I want to? I thought for a second before nodding my head. “Okay then I will prepare the examination room.” Saying that the doctor left.

As soon as she left Bella turned me towards her. “Bella, what is happening? Why now? I'm scared. I don't know what to do?” A sob left my mouth.

“Aria shh… it's okay I know this is not the right time but I'm here to help you. I'm always there for you.” She rubbed my shoulders in a caring manner. “Maybe after Nicolas learns about the pregnancy he will see what is happening and take you back.”


What am I going to do with him? How am I going to tell him? If we were together I have no doubt that he would be here with me. But now I don't even know if he will believe me or not.

“What if he doesn't believe me, Bella. He is so angry with me. He wouldn't even look at me.” I cried, placing my head in my hands.

“Aria. Please calm down babe. It's not good for you. You've been crying non stop. And now it's just not you.” Her words struck me like cord.

I have a baby growing inside me. What will I do with him? I don't know the first thing about babies. 

Before I could develve more on that a nurse called us. “Miss the examination room is ready and the doctor is waiting for you.” 

“Yeah we are coming.” Bella answered. “Come let's go see the baby okay.” She wiped my tears and gave me an encouraging hug. I took a deep breath and stood up. We went into the examination room. The doctor was sitting in front of a monitor and there was a reclining chair beside her. “Aria, please come.”

I laid down on the table as the doctor instructed. “We will see how long you are and see when you are due okay.” I nodded. The doctor applied a cold gel to my stomach. I winced a little and she put a wand on my stomach and started moving it around. 

The screen beside her showed a grey screen. She moved it around some more and stopped. “There there.” The doctor pointed at the black dot on the screen. “See that's the foetus. The tiny black dot.”

“It looks like you are six weeks pregnant and the size of the foetus is 6mm and it's the size of a pea.”  My breath hitched looking at that . I kept staring at the black dot unblinking.

The doctor moved around some more and gasped. “Oh look who do we have here.” She chuckled. “Aria, congratulations you are having twins.” I stiffened. What!!!



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