
Chapter Nine

 “Let me go, you are hurting me.” I whimpered when guards dragged me into an old-looking building. “What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” I tried to pull away but the guard who I never saw with Nicolas slapped me hard.

“You bitch. Just shut your trap. I don't want any noise coming from you or else I will be very hard on you.” he sneered. I cowered away from him.

He dragged me into a room where already two men were sitting. “Boss, you are here. Who is this?” the shorter one amongst the two asked licking his lips as he levered at me.

“Boys she is our special guest, she was sent here by our boss and we have to take extra care of her, okay?” he said with a cruel smile.

“Yes boss.” the men replied in unison and burst out laughing.  

“We were paid so much money to just teach you a lesson. You know that.” The guard who brought me here sniffed my hair. 

“Did Nicolas tell me to bring me here?” I asked, praying that Nicolas wasn’t behind this. He can not be this cruel.

“Of course who else would tell me. He is my boss after all.” He smirked, roaming his hands on my body. My stomach turned with nausea at his disgusting hands touching me.

“This is his way of getting rid of you. Since our boss’s first love came and he wanted to get rid of you.” I shook my head unwillingly to believe whatever they were saying.

Yes my Nico might be angry. I was set up after all. He might hate me but he will never throw me to the wolves. He was very protective of me. He can not even bare a scratch on me.

The tall man pulled me towards himself and whispered close to my face. “Boss, can we have a taste of her.” the tall person with lots of tattoos, who looked scary as hell asked as he trailed-finger down my face. I jerked my head back, moving away from his touch.

“You whore, you think you are better than. Let me teach you a lesson.” He pushed me to the ground and kicked me hard in the stomach. I cried out at the pain.

I covered my stomach immediately. My babies!!! Then I felt another kick and another, I shielded my stomach as much as possible so no harm could come to my babies.

“Please stop. Please.” I begged as I curled myself into a ball so I could hide my stomach. But they just laughed and continued to kick me.

“This is for thinking you're better than us. But this is just the beginning you will regret ever being born by the time we are done with you.” the boss yelled. The three men assaulted me until I lost consciousness.

The next time I opened my eyes I was alone and the whore warehouse looked dark as if it was night. I tried to get up but I fell back down from the pain in my body. I looked down and saw blood between my legs.

“Oh No No!!! My babies. My babies.” I cried out loud. “Please let nothing happen to my babies. Please.” I prayed to whoever was listening. Gathering whatever remaining strength I had I slowly stood up even though my body was protesting as hell. 

I slowly limped around trying to find a way out of there. When I turned a particular corner I saw the two men passed out drunk. I released a sigh of relief and slowly searched for a way to exist. 

Soon I found a small door in the back. I smiled as relief washed over me. I walked towards it and tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge. I tried harder again and it finally opened but with a loud noise.

I heard the groans of the men before I heard. “Hey, snake. That bitch is trying to escape.” I gasped and turned around to see the shorter one looking at me with absolute rage. With another thought, I turned around and started running out of the warehouse. 

My body ached and screamed in pain. But I couldn't stop now. I heard thundering footsteps behind me. I chanced a look over my shoulder and saw that both of them were right behind me. 

“Stop you, bitch. If I catch you I'm going to let you live.” I heard from behind.

Holding my stomach I started running fast. I looked behind me to look at them, they were a little further away from me. While trying to run I didn't notice the headlights heading my way. 

And then I was hit by something and everything turned black.


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