
Chapter Five

In two weeks, I find myself seated in Luca's house, twirling and playing with my wedding ring. I still can't believe I'm married to a man I spent years resenting. The contract is simple for me.

No Love,

No attachment and

No asking me questions regarding the past.

His is also simple, we have to stay married for a year and six months, his grandfather will watch how we are doing for a year before he earns his inheritance and I will be given a monthly allowance amongst other things.

It was a simple court wedding, we only had his sister as witness, his grandfather couldn't make it, he's in England.

"What are you doing?" I ask my husband who's standing in my way on my way to work "Liam will take you to work."

"No, no, no, we already agreed on this, I don't need the whole world knowing I'm married to Luca Maverick, your employees already hate me enough and no, I don't need your help with that, I can handle it myself." I aggressively tell him to move past him.

"I do not want you going anywhere yourself."

"Well then, it's good you don't have a say in what I do." I give him a shrill smile. "Please Hannah." I groan.

"Fine, since you want to protect me so much, you can drop me off at the park close to work and pick me up from there everyday."

"Okay." The smile on my face vanishes, I wasn't expecting him to agree to it, I know for one he's a busy man, I'll see how long he would be able to put up with it.

"Let's go." He calls.

"Well, well, if it isn't sleeping beauty." Sarah from work ticks at me the moment I enter the building to sign in. "You only just resumed and you are already slacking off." She glares at me.

"I don't see your name written boldly in front of the building, it's none of your business if I slack off or not, unfortunately, you don't get to judge." I brush her off.

"You little-, watch how you talk to me, with a single word, I could get you fired." She exclaims. I giggle.

"Awww, sweet Sarah, please by all means." I gesture, smiling widely, she's really pathetic. It's almost like, I know a joke she's lost on.

"Hannah, how are you feeling, Mr. Maverick told us you weren't feeling too well." Myra, my new friend at work asks.

"Oh it's nothing, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? you still look quite pale." Myra notices, she's quite the observer. "Lack of sleep, I guess." I shrug.

"Well then don't strain too much for the rest of the day."

"I already took enough rest to last me a year Myra, no need to worry." I lie while smiling genuinely at her.

The day ends quickly, and I'm back in the car going home with Luca, even if it's weird to say it, we are both quiet through the ride.

When we get home, I see a group of women going in and out of my room including Dianne. "What's happening?" I ask her.

"Luca asked my help for your wardrobe to be changed." I blink. "Why?"

"What do you mean, why? He's your husband now and trust me you need it." She says excitedly, But okay, my feelings are not hurt at all.

"He should have asked me first." I counter.

"You know he means no harm, Hannah, your marriage is a temporary setting but he still has the right to take care of you." She says pinning me with a look.

"That's the issue, I don't need taking care of." I walk past her.

"Hannah, I'm leaving, the rest of the maids will take care of the rest." Dianne tells me coming into my room.

"Okay." I gruffly answer.

"You said you still keep in touch with Luisa?"

"Yes." I reply shortly, not knowing where this is going. "Since when?" She asks again.

"I was never not in touch with Luisa, her parents and mine were friends, remember." I tell her getting ready to drop the topic.

"We do speak once in a while, but when Luca asked her about you, she claimed not to have spoken to you for years and that you were out of the country with a relative." I chuckle.

"Luisa has no reason to lie, she probably just said that because she knew I wouldn't want Luca knowing about my whereabouts." I defend.

"If she couldn't tell Luca, why didn't she tell me?" She asks again, I begin to get annoyed.

"If you haven't noticed, you are Luca's sister." She looks hurt and I immediately regret my words. I didn't want to be mean but I always hated being asked too many questions, especially one that involves interrogating my only real friend.

"Okay, if you say so." She backs off and leaves.

Later that night, Luca comes into my room, I'm still mad at him so when I don't respond, he comes in himself. I'm in my nightwear brushing my hair on my bed. His eyes linger a little longer at my chest but I ignore it.

"Hi." He greets sitting on my bed. "Hi." I answer quietly.

"Dianne told me you were upset about the change of wardrobe." I don't answer and he sighs.

"Fine, I will ask for your permission next time and any other time." He adds and I finally nod at him in acknowledgement.

"Can't we just at least be friends." He asks and I stare at him for a long moment.

The irony, I nearly scoff. When I wanted to be friends with him, he threw it away like it meant nothing.

"Okay." I simply say and he looks shocked, like he didn't expect me to agree yet he still asked. "Thank you Hannah." His voice reeks with genuine relief, it makes me sick.

"Uhm, I also came to inform you that my grandfather wants us to leave for England for our honeymoon as early as possible." He tells me standing.

My face turns into a scowl and he hurriedly leaves the room before I can say anything else.

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