
Chapter Four

"Luca, I don't think she needs an entire pack of doctors fussing around her, she's just passed out. I'll take care of her."

"How does she manage to get into so much trouble every time." An angry voice that belongs to Luca whispers or tries too.

I peep one eye open, wondering how the heck I got here but then I don't want to face them both so I close my eyes back and pretend to sleep.

"I know you are awake Hannah." I peel my eyes open, sighing heavily. "Hello to you too, Mr. Maverick."

"What were you doing out that late, alone." Mr. Maverick nearly growls and I raise an eyebrow at that.

"Calm down Luca, you are not helping." His sister Dianne says, throwing him a look and I frown.

"Well, thank you for your help, I will be on my way now." Dianne looks at me in disbelief but I refuse to ask what happened after I passed out and how he found me, I would rather not know and just erase last night from my mind.

"Where are you going? The streets?" My head jerks back and I glare at Luca.

"It's none of your business." I grit my teeth, refraining from yelling at him. I look around and see both my luggages close to a door in the room.

"Do you know where and what state I found you in hmm? You could have asked for help." He yells at me.

"Ask for help from who, you?" I laugh. "That's a very funny thing to say Mr. Maverick, please tell me, why on earth would I ever ask help from you, are we friends?"

"That's not-" he breathes infuriatedly.

"Break it down you two, please, this is not the time for this, Hannah sit, you are staying for breakfast, I'll have it brought up here and Luca, I need you out for the meantime."

Luca walks out angrily and some of the tension in the room reduces a top notch. "Phew, at least he's gone, I try to joke."

Dianne looks at me like I broke her favorite toy as she sits beside me on the bed. She doesn't say anything, she just keeps staring at me.

"I'm sorry."

"for what?" I ask looking away.

"for abandoning you when you needed me the most." I nod.

"yeah, I needed you." I agree cleaning off a tear that managed to escape.

"I hope that one day, you can forgive me too." she says standing and kissing my cheeks before leaving.

"Marry me." Mr. Maverick says confidently, standing in the room later that evening.

I burst out laughing, waiting for him to say it's a joke. I laugh like I haven't in years but when he doesn't laugh along with me, I pause.

"You are not joking?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm glad, it got you to laugh but No." My eyebrows could literally fly out of my head at this point. "So if you are not joking, what are you doing?" I ask still amused.

"I'm serious, Marry me." I sigh feeling my anger brewing.

"Why? are you feeling sorry for me, is that it?"

"No, I need a wife urgently. we are both in need of something, you have nowhere to go, you owe a lot of debt I could help you pay and I need a wife to have access to the rest of my inheritance."

"What sort of ridiculous rule is that?"

"A rule that could benefit you." He says in a low innocent tune but it still manages to tick my nerves.

"Get. Out." I ordered.

"Just think about it okay, what's the worst that could happen?" Is the last thing I hear before the door shuts closed.

I know my answer to this, I badly needed help, it makes me hate myself even more that I need his help. my salary is not going to cut even close to any of my bills. I can't keep putting all my baggage on Luisa.

I would die if I don't start my chemotherapy sessions in a few months, I can't tell anyone of my illness, I don't need any more sympathy. The fact alone that the cause of my first pain and heartbreak is who I have to lean on, hurts me badly, it feels like I'm betraying 15 year old me but I'm sure she'll understand, our lives are at stake here, pride won't save us, I learnt that the hard way.

"You are living with Luca? As in Luca Maverick, the Billionaire Luca and the one from high school?"

"Yes Luisa, the very same." I sigh.

"And you are going to get married to him." "Yes Luisa, by the end of the month."

"But that's impossible, that's like two weeks away." I recoil at the sound of her outburst. "I know, I know, it might sound crazy but I really need this."

"What do you mean you need this, I'm back in the country now, and I don't plan on going back any time soon, you can come stay with us." She says anxiously, chewing her fingers.

"What happened to your parents not agreeing for long term visits?" I ask, eyeing her weird behavior.

"Oh, I'm sure they will be really happy to help with your current situation."

"It's fine, Luisa, you have helped me out so much already, I don't want to burden you anymore." I tell her I'm feeling too bad.

"But you can't marry Luca, he caused you so much pain." She insists.

"Yes, pain I will make sure to repay him with when he thinks all is forgotten." I say with fire burning in my chest. I really want to let go, but everytime I look at him and see how much his life has turned out for the better, the angrier I get.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, he won't go off so easily, everything has consequences." I tell her sipping my drink

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