
Freedom of herself

Ellora came out from the airport, the sun casting a golden glow over the bustling scene. With a graceful and stylish flick, she removed her shades while revealing her eyes alive with anticipation. As she studied the trail of cars parked outside, a gentle smile graced her lips. None of the figures walking around were there for her, and in that moment, she felt an unexpected rush of freedom. For Ellora, the absence of familiar faces was a welcome sign of liberation.

The tedious routine of being followed by a line of servants had dimmed her spirit. She rediscovered the peace and refreshment of working for herself as she found freedom in the simplicity of life i.e. working for herself. The constant presence of others catering to her every need had become monotonous for her. It was hard to be free and herself while being a fine woman and wife of Nikolai Hart. It seemed as if she had spent the last four decades of her life being a wife of Nikolai Hart only and forgot to be herself.

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Julie Bautista
so interesting, nice story
goodnovel comment avatar
Ayisha Adam
Great write up Enjoying the story so far
goodnovel comment avatar
Joyce Melvin
Author, please stop asking for comments...I prefer to use my credits on the story and not on your frequent requests for comments. This is a good story so far, please don't ruining this experience for me.

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