

It was morning,the day of the wedding, Brian was up,he had a meeting with one of his business partners, the meeting was scheduled for 7am, and was going to end at 10am, the wedding was to start by 10:30am, he knew he had to manage his time properly.

On his way to the office,he thought about the wedding, getting married was never part of his plans. He has never met a woman that he really loves. He knew getting married to Emily will be a huge inconvenience for him, but if the baby was his,he needed to take responsibility.he reminisce about the time he met Emily at the hotel,he was so drunk that night,he had a really bad day and needed to clear his head, as they spoke to each other,he felt some sort of peace within his heart.He wasn't sure why he even invited her to spend the night with him,but when she kissed him,he felt a way he has never felt before, he knew he wanted more.

“We're here”Scott told Brian who was lost in his thought.

Brian stepped out of the car and walked into the office.

Emily just sat on her bed, having mixed feelings about the wedding,a part of her wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do,but it was just for five years,she needed to do this for her baby. She wanted her baby to have the best life.

She got up so she could prepare breakfast for Aunty Julie and Elise who was still sleeping.

She made some scrambled eggs and cheese and served it on the dining table,she was going to wake Aunty Julie and Elise from the other room when she overheard their conversations.

“Such a poor girl,her husband is so poor he can't even afford a good wedding,I'm sure her dress would also be horrible”Elise said as she let out a little laugh.

“She deserves whatever she going through,she doesn't deserve anything good”Aunty Julie replied.

Emily just stood behind the door,she didn't know why they hated her so much,she had so many questions to ask but who was going to answer them.she just had to be patient, just a few hours and they'll leave.

It was already 9,Emily, now out of the shower, slipped into the dress Brian had gotten for her. The soft fabric hugged her curves, accentuating her rounded figure in all the right places. She felt a surge of confidence as she gazed in the mirror, the dress highlighting her beauty in a way that made her feel like a million bucks

The door bell rang,she hurried to get the door, it was Scott,he came to pick her up for the wedding.

“I thought I told Brian not to bother”she said to him.

“He insisted”Scott replied.

“Come in and wait a bit, while I get my Aunt and cousin”she said as she gestured towards a chair for him to sit.

Aunty Julie was shocked when she saw Scott,it was same driver that drove them from the train station.

“She rented a car again”she thought to herself.

Emily got out of the room looking as stunning as ever, Elise was surprised to see her dress,she knew how expensive the dress cost.

“I'm sure she borrowed this dress”Elise said to herself.

They got to the car,Aunty Julie and Elise kept staring at each other,it was a different car, an even more expensive car.

At the registry, Brian was already fifteen minutes late, Emily just sat waiting for him, she had so many thoughts running through her head.

“What if he changed his mind”

“What if he's no longer interested”she asked herself.

“I'm sure the man has ran away, which man would want to marry her”Aunty Julie told Elise as they both laughed.

Just then, Brian walked in,a little smile flickered across Emily's face

“He came” Emily murmured to herself.

Aunty Julie and Elise was shocked,they didn't know this man,but he looked really wealthy, he was wearing a black suit,that highlighted his manly features.

He walked straight to where Emily was sitted.

“I'm sorry I'm late,I had a meeting” Brian said in the most gentle tone.

“It's fine”Emily replied “can we proceed”she asked.

“Uhm, my sister is on her way here,she should be here anytime soon” Brian replied.

Elise couldn't believe her eyes,she kept staring at Brian “he's so handsome”she thought to herself.she wished she was in her cousins shoe.she stared at her mother with so much pain in her eyes.

Aunty Julie was as shock as Elise, “how was Emily this lucky”she asked herself.

Elise walked up to Brian who was sitted close to Emily.

“Hi, I'm Elise, Emily's favorite cousin and your soon to be sister in-law and that's my mom over there”Elise said pointing at Aunty Julie who was waving.

“Nice to meet you”Brian replied.

“I'm sure my cousin must be very lucky to be getting married to you”she added.

But this time Brian didn't reply he just kept a straight face.

“So rude, I like it”she thought to herself.

Emily just sat there staring at her, she knew her cousin has something up her sleeve.

Elise patted Emily on her laps: “ I'll be here if you need anything” she said as she pointed towards her mother and gently releasing a fake smile. She walked up to her mother “I want him”she whispered. And they both let out a faint smile.

Emily kept looking at the door, she couldn't wait for Brian's sister to come so they could proceed.

Just then two people walked into the registry, she knew she had seen them before, as they walked closer,her jaw dropped as she recognized them, it was Jayden and the woman from the mall.

“What could Jayden be doing at her wedding”she asked herself.

Just then Brian stood up:

“They're here”he said “that's my sister Angelica and her boyfriend Jayden”he added.

“Your what!!!”Emily asked in shock.

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