

Brian got back from work and found Emily at the courtyard, ravishing as always, he stopped and stared from a distance, it hasn't been long since they met each other, but something about her brings peace to his heart whenever they were together. He recalled the doctor telling him that the only way he could heal, is by finding peace in a person.

“Could she be the one?” He thought; but the doctor also told him that the person leaving him in the future would only make things worse. So he had always tried his best to completely stay away from people, but with Emily it was different, she was different, the way she talks, the way she acts, it all felt different to Brian.

Emily noticed he was staring and waved from the distance.

“Hey, you're back from work”

“Yeah, I uhm just got back,___ I'll be heading to my room now” he was about to leave but he immediately remembered something.

“I checked in with the doctor, he said you haven't been coming around for
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