

“ding ding ding”the door bell rang.

“Who's there”Emily asked as she hurried to get the door,she wasn't expecting anyone.

She opened the door and saw a man standing .

“Hi,I'm Scott, Mr Brian's personal assistant”the man said .

“Oh, hi, can I help you”Emily replied .

“Mr Brian sent these packages to you”he gestured towards some wrapped packages.

“For me!!”Emily was surprised,she walked towards the boxes,there were two boxes.

“Okay I'll be on my way ma'am”Scott said as he walked towards the black Mercedes that was parked by the side of the road.

“Tell him I said thanks” Emily said as she carries the boxes inside.

“What could possibly be in these boxes”she murmured as she walked into her bedroom.

She put the boxes on the wooden bed that was in the room,she opened the first box gently.

It was a dress,a beautiful peach dress that was exactly In her size.

The dress was so simple,yet so beautiful. She found a note in the box that said “for the wedding”

She tried the dress on and it fits perfectly showcasing her curves.

“Wow, how did he get to know my size”she said “this is more beautiful than what I got at the mall”

She opened the second box, and it was a shoe, a silver shoe with glitter all over it.

“Wow,this man got great taste” Emily said to herself with a little smile flickering across her eyes.

“I should call him to thank him properly” she said as she picked up her phone.

She dailed the number and It was ringing.

“I don't think he's going to respond,he's such a busy man”she murmured to herself.

“Hello”the deep firm voice on the other end of the phone.

“Hi Brian, it's Emily”she replied with her voice shaking,she didn't expect him to pickup; “I got the packages you sent, I wanted to say thanks” she continued.

“You're welcome” he replied as he hung up.

“How rude” she murmured to herself.

* * * * * *

Back in the office, Brian had called Angelica earlier and requested from them to meet.

Brian and Angelica were the only children their late parents had.

Brian was the older one,he loves his sister so much regardless of the fact that they stayed apart.

Brian preferred staying alone especially because of his health conditions.The doctor said he suffered from a rare condition called schizoid personality disorder.

Schizoid personality disorder is a mental health condition that makes a person to be distant from other people, social gathering, parties makes them really uncomfortable. They barely shows their emotions and are comfortable being alone.

Brian has had this disorder since when he was a kid,but it became worse after he lost his parents.

He had no friends and avoid social gathering and parties.The doctor said the only way he can get better was by having someone who he feels comfortable being around with that it can make him feel more safe and in the long run improve his social skill and help him navigate his emotions.

“ Hey bro”Angelica said happily as she walked into Brian's office. “It's been a while”she continued as she sat at the empty sit.

Angelica was an epitome of beauty, she was in her mid twenties, unlike Brian, Angelica was an extrovert, she loves to party and go on vacations.

“How was Qatar, seems like you really love Qatar, seeing that you spent almost two months there” Brian said.

“Bro, Qatar was the best and guess who found their soulmate”Angelica said giggling. “I met someone,his name is Jayden and we're in love”she continued.

“Hmmm,I figured”Brian said releasing a gentle smile.

“Oh my god bro, you're still doing the FBI thing on me,I'm all grown now”she said trying to make faces.

“I'm just making sure you're safe,and with that,are you sure this man really loves you or he's just here for the money, you know how it has been with all your exes”Brian said.

“Of course he does,I mean I can feel it,so”she replied.

“Okay if you say so”Brian said “Well the reason I wanted to see you is because I'm getting married and you're invited”Brian continued trying to avoid eye contact with Angelica.

“What!!,bro you're pulling my legs right” Angelica was in shock.

.“The wedding is tomorrow, and she's pregnant too”Brian replied.

“Pregnant too,wow!!, but bro are you sure about this, getting married and cohabiting with someone,you know your health condition,it can be overwhelming and uncomfortable for you”Angelica was concerned at this point.

“I'll be fine”Brian sounded reassuring, he didn't want his sister to be worried.

“I'm really excited though my brother is getting married”Angelica was really excited.

“The wedding is at the registry,I don't need so much crowd,so just you and your boyfriend”Brian said,he knew Angelica would want him to have a big wedding.

“Ah, the registry”Angelica sighed; “when do I get to meet her”Angelica said trying to get Brian's attention.

“At the wedding” Brian replied.

They chatted for a while before Angelica left, Brian thought about how chaotic the wedding is going to be with Emily, Jayden and Angelica but for some reasons he wanted it to happen.

Just then his phone rang,an unknown number was calling, it must be one of his business partners he thought.

“Hi”Brian said.

“Am I speaking to Mr Brian”the person on the other end asked

”yes”Brian replied.

“Emily was admitted to the hospital and she said we should let you know”the person continued

Brian's heart skipped a bit, he thought about the baby “which hospital”he replied as he grabbed his car keys.

“The city hospital”the person replied.

“On my way”Brian said as he hung up.

He quickly got into the car and took off to the hospital.

He kept thinking if Emily and the baby was fine.

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