

Brian got to the hospital,he went to the reception to sign in,he couldn't wait to see Emily, he was really worried about the baby.

“Hi,I'm here to see Emily Elvis”Brian asked the nurse at the reception.

The young lady could see that he was really worried especially because he was sweating profusely.

“Sir, you need to sign this” she gestured towards a paper that was on the table.

“Okay” he replied as he hurriedly signed the paper.

The nurse collected the paper and his name caught her attention.

“Oh my god sir,are you Mr Brian Losey,” she asked in excitement.

“Can I see her now?”Brian replied, ignoring what the nurse just said.

“Yes sir”she said as she hurriedly took him to Emily's room,she knew there was only one Brian Losey in the country,one of the most influential billionaires in the country.

Emily laid on the hospital bed,with a drip on her hand.

She was shocked when she saw Brian walk into the room. She remembered asking the doctor to call Brian,but she didn't think he was going to come.

“Hey, are you okay?”Brian said as he walked towards Emily.

“I am,the doctor said I'm really stressed and it affected the baby, so that was why I passed out”Emily replied “it's actually nothing serious,you shouldn't have bothered”Emily added, seeing the worried look on Brian's face.

“It's fine,”Brian replied. “It wasn't stressful at all,” he added.

Brian was relieved that nothing happened to the child,he sat in the room with Emily,there was a long awkward silence in the room.

“Ah”Emily exclaimed like she just remembered something.

“I'm supposed to pick up my Aunty Julie and her daughter Elise from the train station,”she continued.

“I can handle that for you,”Brian replied almost immediately.

“No you don't have to, I'll figure it out, you've done enough already”Emily replied.

“I insist”Brian replied as he took out his phone and dialed a number, ordered the person on the other end of the phone to go to the train station immediately and pick up Aunty Julie with the help of the description that Emily gave him.

“Done”Brian said to Emily “they will be here in no time”he added

“Thank you,”Emily replied.

Emily had finished taking her drip,so the doctor came to help her with some prescriptions.

“Nice to meet you Mr Losey,I learnt from one of the nurses that you're here, it's such a pleasure to finally meet you in person”the doctor said, extending a handshake.

“Can I take her home now?”Brian replied to the doctor, ignoring what he just said.

“Of course,you can,”the doctor replied “I've written down some prescriptions for her, please do well to follow it accordingly”, the doctor added.

“How rude”Emily thought to herself.

“Let's go”Brian extended his hands to Emily trying not to make eye contact.

Emily was shocked, she held his hands as they walked out of the hospital.

They got to his black benz that was parked outside the hospital,he opened the door for Emily to go in, then he got in.

“Thank you”she said to him again,she kept thinking how people treated him with so much respect in the hospital. She knew he was an important person in the society,but that was all she knew about him.

There was such a long silence in the car before Brian finally broke the silence .

“We could postpone the wedding till you're feeling better”.

“I'm fine”Emily said.

“Okay if you insist,”Brian replied.

She looked at him for a while “this man is so handsome”she thought to herself but she kept wondering why he was so cold.

On the other hand, Brian felt comfortable with her,he always feels uncomfortable around people, asides Scott and Angelica Emily is surprisingly the only person he feels comfortable being around and that was still shocking to him.

He drove her to her house,came down and opened the door for her.

“Such a gentleman she thought”

“Call me if you need anything”he said as he entered his car and drove off.

She went into her house,rushed to the kitchen to make something for Aunty Julie and Elise, she knew they'd be there any minute.

Aunty Julie and Elise on the other hand were still in shock as they both sat at the passengers sit of the expensive car.They both kept wondering where Emily got the money to rent such an expensive car.

“So typical of Emily, wasting money on frivolities to prove a point”Elise said.

“Who cares?”Aunty Julie replied “sitting here in an expensive car is not easy to come by anyway”she added .

The car stopped in front of Emily's house. She heard her doorbell ring.

“I'm coming” she shouted from the inside.

She opened the door and welcomed them into her house.

“You can't even afford a good wedding, but yet you wasted money renting cars,how can a person be so foolish”Aunty Julie said.

“Rent cars”Emily was surprised “no it was my…..” Emily was still talking but was interrupted by Elise.

“Save us your explanation and get us something to eat, i'm famished”

“Okay”Emily replied.

She set the mini dining table she had,and served them food. She knew inviting them was a bad idea but she had no other option.

She prepared their bath for them,Aunty Julie never bothered to ask about the baby or the pregnancy.

It was night already, Emily wanted to have some rest. She knew the next day would be a busy one,so she showered and came out of the bathroom. She met Aunty Julie and Elise sitting on her bed like they had something to say.

“this so called wedding of yours is the last thing I'll be doing for you,so after this wedding I want you to never call me to ask for favours, by the way this belongs to you”she handed a picture album to her “it was for your mother,I can't have negative things around me,” she continued as she stood up with her daughter Elise who was laughing all along.

Emily took the picture album, as she saw photos of her mother's, tears rolling down her cheeks,she wished now more than anything that her mother was with her.

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