

Emily got home and met Elise at the dining table having dinner,

“Sis how are you doing, I've been looking everywhere for you” Elise asked.

“I went to see the …. the … doctor, (shaking her head as if looking for words to say), I forgot my meds at the hospital yesterday, so I went to pick it up”

“But I don't see any meds with you” Elise asked again.

“My meds, oh my, I must have left it in the ride, I'll just ask Dr Tanker to deliver another one to the house” Emily replied as she walked upstairs while checking her phone pretending to call Dr Tanker's.

“She's so weird,” Elise said as she continued eating her food.

Emily showered and came downstairs in search of Nina,

“Nina” she called out “where could she be” she checked the kitchen but she wasn't there, she went into the courtyard and she met Nina crocheting a vest.

“Oh my gosh Nina, this is really nice” she said as she walked closer to Nina.

Nina smiled and made way
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