

Emily just stood there looking at Jayden, she was so furious,she thought about how he left her when she needed him the most.

They were together for four years, Jayden was the person she considered as family since she lost both her parents at a young age. But he still went and cheated on her.

She looked at him with so much anger, he was someone she used to love.

“You look really beautiful” Jayden said.

“What do you want” Emily voice was filled with anger.

“Emily you don't have to be mean to me, I don't bite, I saw you and I wanted to say hi”

“I don't need you to be nice to me Jayden, if you have nothing to say,I'll be on my way”Emily replied.

“Babe” a woman shouted from a distance. “I've been looking everywhere for you”she said walking towards Jayden .

“Emily, this is Angelica,my fiànce”Jayden said grabbing the woman by her waist.

Emily felt a part of her heart shattered, how could he have a fiànce,they broke up three months ago,she couldn't hold it in, with the tears in her eyes she just walked away without saying a word.

As she took a cab back home, she thought about the time she was with Jayden, she felt so much pain in her heart. But that was in the past now,all she needed now was to focus on her baby.

She got home feeling all tired,she decided to have a hot bath, but then her phone rang.

“Hi” said the person on the other end of the phone. “Am I speaking to Emily Elvis”

“Yes”Emily replied.

“I'm Scott, Mr Brian's personal assistant, I've been asked to arrange a ride for you for the wedding,I'm calling to confirm your address” he continued.

“Tell Brian I'll find my way” Emily replied as she hung up.

“I can't be accepting favours from this man” she murmured as she walked to have her bath.

After having a long bath she layed to rest for the night,the wedding was in two days,she had to invite at least a family member or close relative,she had no family member.

Aunty Julie was the only person she could think of. Aunty Julie was her mother's younger sister,she has a daughter Elise that was almost same age as her, she knew Aunty Julie didn't like her, Even Elise her cousin hates the ground she walks on.

She always thought about why they hated her so much,she knew it has something to do with her mother, but that was all she knew, neither Aunty Julie nor her mother ever talked about it.

She finally decided to call Aunty Julie in the morning seeing that it was already late and she must have slept.

* * *

It was morning, Emily was awake still skeptical about calling Aunty Julie,but she had to,she had no other person to call.

She took the phone and dailed the number;

“What do you want”Aunty Julie sounded so rude from the other end of the phone.

“Hi Aunty, Good morning” Emily greeted her.

“Go straight to the point,I don't have all day”Aunty Julie replied.

“I'd love to invite you to my wedding” Emily said her heart racing a bit.

Aunty Julie laughed out really loud

“Wedding? I thought that sarcastic boyfriend of yours dumped you month ago”.

Emily felt slightly hurt hearing her aunt talk like that “I'm pregnant and I'm getting married to the father of my baby”Emily replied .

“Oh you wayward child,I knew you were of no good, how shameless can a person be”.

Emily knew her Aunty was never going to be nice to her, but yet she felt more broken by her words.

“Aunty you don't need to be embarassed, the wedding is at the registry, just few people will be there”Emily said trying to hold back tears.

“And you're getting married to a poor man who can't afford a standard wedding, how unfortunate’, Anyways send me the address, I and my daughter would try to attend if that's the last thing we can do for your miserable life” Aunty Julie said as she hung up

Emily let out the tears that was stuck in her eyes for long,she knew what she signed up for so she had to be strong for herself and for her baby.

Since she already called Aunty Julie, she decided to get her things ready since she'll be moving into Brian's house after the wedding.

Brian on the other hand was at the office with Scott,he had sent Scott to look into Emily's background.

“She has no family member, I think she grew up alone, from what I heard both her parents died a long time ago” Scott said to Brian.

Brian nodded and kept looking at his phone.

“But something feels wierd sir; Scott said drawing Brian's attention; the man that I figured was her ex boyfriend is the same man that is dating your sister Angelica”

“What!!!” Brian said in shock.

Brian's mind wandered back to the time he met Emily at the hotel, he remembered that she kept talking about her ex boyfriend, how she gave him everything but yet he cheated on her, so his sister was the reason he thought to himself.

“I want you to invite them to the wedding” Brian told Scott

“You mean Angelica and her fiànce, Are you sure sir?” Scott asked Brian.

“Yes” Brian replied “what is the worst that could possibly happen”

Scott left Brian's office to complete the task he was given.

Brian sat at the office,he thought about Emily,she was different from all the other women he has met,she was so bold and confident.

For the first time he met a woman that didn't care about his status.

He was more amazed by the fact that she looked him and called him by his full name. Something no one dared.

A faint smile flickered across his eyes; “this may not be a bad idea he thought to himself.

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